Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre


LI, GUANG-ZHAO, RANDEV, RAJAN K, SOERIYADI, ALEXANDER H, REES, GREGORY, BOYER, CYRILLE, TONG, ZHEN, DAVIS, THOMAS P, BECER, C REMZI and HADDLETON, DAVID M, 2010. Investigation into thiol-(meth) acrylate Michael addition reactions using amine and phosphine catalysts Polymer Chemistry. 1(8), 1196-1204

LOVELL, CHRISTOPHER S., WALKER, ADAM, DAMION, ROBIN A., RADHI, ASANAH, TANNER, STEVEN F., BUDTOVA, TATIANA and RIES, MICHAEL E., 2010. Influence of Cellulose on Ion Diffusivity in 1-Ethyl-3-Methyl-Imidazolium Acetate Cellulose Solutions BIOMACROMOLECULES. 11(11), 2927-2935

KAISER, M., HILGETAG, C. C. and KOTTER, R., 2010. Hierarchy and dynamics of neural networks: Front Neuroinform Front Neuroinform. 4, 112

BROOKES, MATTHEW J, VRBA, JIRI, MULLINGER, KAREN J, GEIRSDÓTTIR, GERDA BJÖRK, YAN, WINSTON X, STEVENSON, CLAIRE M, BOWTELL, RICHARD and MORRIS, PETER G, 2009. Source localisation in concurrent EEG/fMRI: applications at 7T. NeuroImage. 45(2), 440-52

FRANCIS, S., LIN, X., ABOUSHOUSHAH, S., WHITE, T.P., PHILLIPS, M., BOWTELL, R. and CONSTANTINESCU, C.S., 2009. fMRI analysis of active, passive and electrically stimulated ankle dorsiflexion NeuroImage. 44(2), 469-479

YAN, W.X., MULLINGER, K.J., BROOKES, M.J. and BOWTELL, R., 2009. Understanding gradient artefacts in simultaneous EEG/fMRI NeuroImage. 46(2), 459-471

PETRIDOU, NATALIA, SCHÄFER, ANDREAS, GOWLAND, PENNY and BOWTELL, RICHARD, 2009. Phase vs. magnitude information in functional magnetic resonance imaging time series: toward understanding the noise. Magnetic resonance imaging. 27(8), 1046-57

SUMMERS, IAN R, FRANCIS, SUSAN T, BOWTELL, RICHARD W, MCGLONE, FRANCIS P and CLEMENCE, MATTHEW, 2009. A functional-magnetic-resonance-imaging investigation of cortical activation from moving vibrotactile stimuli on the fingertip. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 125(2), 1033-9

VAN DER ZWAAG, W., FRANCIS, S., HEAD, K., PETERS, A., GOWLAND, P., MORRIS, P. and BOWTELL, R., 2009. fMRI at 1.5, 3 and 7 T: characterising BOLD signal changes NeuroImage. 47(4), 1425-1434

DOBSON, JON, BOWTELL, RICHARD, GARCIA-PRIETO, ANA and PANKHURST, QUENTIN, 2009. Safety implications of high-field MRI: actuation of endogenous magnetic iron oxides in the human body. PLoS ONE. 4(5), e5431

POOLE, MICHAEL, BOWTELL, RICHARD, GREEN, DAN, PITTARD, SIMON, LUCAS, ALUN, HAWKES, ROB and CARPENTER, ADRIAN, 2009. Split gradient coils for simultaneous PET-MRI. Magnetic resonance in medicine : official journal of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine / Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 62(5), 1106-11

SCHÄFER, A., WHARTON, S., GOWLAND, P. and BOWTELL, R., 2009. Using magnetic field simulation to study susceptibility-related phase contrast in gradient echo MRI NeuroImage. 48(1), 126–137

GLOVER, PAUL and BOWTELL, RICHARD, 2009. Medical imaging: MRI rides the wave. Nature. 457(7232), 971-2
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