Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre


JONES RA, SCHIRMER T, LIPINSKI B, ELBEL GK and AUER DP, 1998. Signal Undershoots Following Visual Stimulation: A Comparison Of Gradient And Spin-Echo Bold Sequences. Magnetic Resonance In Medicine : Official Journal Of The Society Of Magnetic Resonance In Medicine / Society Of Magnetic Resonance In Medicine. 40(1), 112-8

PACKER, KJ, STAPF, S, TESSIER, JJ and DAMION, RA, 1998. The characterisation of fluid transport in porous solids by means of pulsed magnetic field gradient NMR MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING. 16(5-6), 463-469

DUNCAN, K.R., ISSA, B., BOWTELL, R.W., FREEMAN, A., BAKER, P., WORTHINGTON, B., MOORE, R. and GOWLAND, P.A., 1997. The measurement of placental relaxation times using echo-planar imaging MAGMA. S4(2), 84

SNAAR, J.E., BOWTELL, R.W., MELIA, C.D., PEPPAS, N.A. and NARASIMHAN, B., 1997. MRI analysis of soluble drug delivery carriers International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials. Proceedings book. 24, 171-172

ROBYR, P.S. and BOWTELL, R.W., 1997. Nuclear magnetic resonance microscopy in liquids using the dipolar field Journal of Chemical Physics. 106(2), 467-476

HUMBERSTONE, M., SAWLE, G.V., CLARE, S., HYKIN, J., COXON, R., BOWTELL, R.W., MACDONALD, I.A. and MORRIS, P.G., 1997. Functional magnetic resonance imaging of single motor events reveals human presupplementary motor area Annals of Neurology. 42(4), 632-637

BROWNING, A.S., BOWTELL, R.W., MCGLONE, F., SMITH, E., CLARE, S., ROLLS, E.T. and FRANCIS, S.T., 1997. Taste and olfactory activation of the orbitofrontal cortex Neuroimage. 5, S199

CLARE, S., SUMMERFIELD, A.Q., FOSTER, J., BOWTELL, R.W., ELLIOTT, M., LUDMAN, C.N. and HYKIN, J.L., 1997. Functional MR imaging during the silent lipreading of sentences Radiology. 205, 229

ROBYR, P.S. and BOWTELL, R.W., 1997. Measuring Patterson functions of inhomogeneous liquids using the nuclear dipolar field Journal of Chemical Physics. 107(3), 702-706

DUNCAN,K.R., GOWLAND,P.A., MOORE,R., JOHNSON,I.R. and BAKER,P.N, 1997. Abstract: Monitoring fetal lung development using echo-planar magnetic resonance imaging Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Canada. 17(4), S29

DUNCAN,K.R., GOWLAND,P.A., MOORE,R., JOHNSON,I.R. and BAKER,P.N, 1997. Abstract: Investigation of normal fetal growth parameters using echo-planar magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound Journal of The Society for Gynaecological Investigation. 4(1), 212A

JOHNSON,I.R., MOORE,R., BAKER,P.N., DUNCAN,K.R. and GOWLAND,P.A, 1997. Abstract: Measurement of placental magnetic resonance in pregnancy: a novel non-invasive method for the identification of fetal compromise Journal of The Society for Gynaecological Investigation. 4(1), 212A

DUNCAN,K.R., GOWLAND,P.A., MOORE,R., JOHNSON,I.R. and BAKER,P.N, 1997. Abstract: The demonstration of fetal lung maturation using a novel non-invasive technique Acta Obstetrica et Gynecologica Scandinavica. 76(S167(5)), 15

BAKER,P.A., JOHNSON,I.A., GOWLAND,P.A. and BOULBY,P.A, 1997. Measurement of amniotic fluid volumes using echo planar imaging Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Canada. 17(3), 268-269

DUNCAN, K.R., ISSA, B., BOWTELL, R.W., FREEMAN, A., BAKER, P., WORTHINGTON, B., MOORE, R. and GOWLAND, P.A., 1997. The measurement of placental relaxation times using echo-planar imaging MAGMA. S4(2), 84
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