Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre


RAJABI-SIAHBOOMI, A.R., BOWTELL, R.W., DAVIES, M.C. and MELIA, C.D., 1993. Dimensional changes in the gel layer and core of HPMC hydrophilic matrix systems undergoing hydration Proceedings of the Annual UKAPS Conference. 2, 28

SHARP, J.C., BOWTELL, R.W. and MANSFIELD, P., 1993. Elimination of susceptibility distortions and reduction of diffusion attenuation in NMR microscopy by line-narrowed 2DFT Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 29(3), 407-410

OTT, D, HENNIG, J and ERNST, T, 1993. Human Brain-Tumors - Assessment With Invivo Proton Mr Spectroscopy Radiology. 186(3), 745-752

TOFT, PB, GEISSHOLTORFF, R, ROLLAND, MO, PRYDS, O, MULLERFORELL, W, CHRISTENSEN, E, LEHNERT, W, LOU, HC, OTT, D, HENNIG, J and HENRIKSEN, O, 1993. Magnetic-Resonance-Imaging In Juvenile Canavan Disease European Journal Of Pediatrics. 152(9), 750-753


RAJABI-SIAHBOOMI, A.R., MELIA, C.D., DAVIES, M.C. and BOWTELL, R.W., 1992. Imaging the internal structure of the gel layer in hydrophilic matrix systems by NMR microscopy Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 44(NUMBER 12//SUP), 1062

MANSFIELD, P., BOWTELL, R.W., BLACKBAND, S. and GUILFOYLE, D.N., 1992. Magnetic resonance imaging: applications of novel methods in studies of porous media Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 10(5), 741-746

MANSFIELD, P., BOWTELL, R.W. and BLACKBAND, S., 1992. Ingress of water into solid nylon 6.6 Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 99(3), 507

BOWTELL, R.W., COXON, R.J., FIRTH, J. and GOWLAND, P.A., 1992. Fast imaging and serial scanning NATO ASI Series. Series A, Life Sciences. 264, 287-290

BOWTELL, R.W., 1992. Indirect detection via the dipolar demagnetizing field Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 100(1), 1

GOWLAND, P.A., MANSFIELD, P., BULLOCK, P. and STEHLING, M., 1992. Dynamic studies of gadolinium uptake in brain-tumors using inversion-recovery echo-planar imaging Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 26, 241-258

SCHNEIDER S, OTT D and SAUER M, 1992. [Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Tomography And Differential Diagnosis Of Hallervorden-Spatz Disease]. Der Nervenarzt. 63(2), 105-7

GEISSLER A and OTT D, 1992. [Dysplasia Epiphysialis Multiplex Tarda. The Differential Evidence Of Mrt And The X-Ray Picture]. Röfo : Fortschritte Auf Dem Gebiete Der Röntgenstrahlen Und Der Nuklearmedizin. 156(1), 100-2

MUNDINGER A, ADAM T, OTT D, DINKEL E, BECK A, PETER HH, VOLK B and SCHUMACHER M, 1992. Ct And Mri: Prognostic Tools In Patients With Aids And Neurological Deficits. Neuroradiology. 35(1), 75-8

BOWTELL, R.W. and MANSFIELD, P., 1991. Gradient coil design using active magnetic screening Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 17(1), 15-9; discussion 19-21
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