Stem Cell Biology

Neural Stem Cells


A recent publication in Cell Reports by Alexey Ruzov and Virginie Sottile from the Stem Cell Biology team shows active demethylation contributes to epigenetic reprogramming determining lineage specification in embryonic brain.

Wheldon LM, Abakir A, Ferjentsik Z, Dudnakova T, Strohbuecker S, Christie D, Dai N, Guan S, Foster JM, Corrêa IR Jr, Loose M, Dixon JE, Sottile V, Johnson AD, Ruzov A. Transient accumulation of 5-carboxylcytosine indicates involvement of active demethylation in lineage specification of neural stem cells. Cell Reports 2014 in press.  Full reference at

Posted on Wednesday 8th October 2014

Wolfson Centre for Stem cells, Tissue Engineering and Modelling (STEM)

The University of Nottingham
Centre for Biomolecular Sciences
University Park
Nottingham NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 823 1231