Tobacco and Alcohol Research

Image of Rebecca Thorley

Rebecca Thorley

Trial Manager, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences



Rebecca is currently employed as a Trial Manager in the Division of Epidemiology and Public Health working on exploratory randomized control trials looking at new approaches to smoking cessation. Her work includes protecting children from second hand smoke, finding ways to support newly abstinent smokers to remain quit after discharge from hospital and more recently a personalised smoking cessation intervention delivered to patients after lung screening.

Research Summary

Rebecca is currently working on an randomised controlled trial adding a personalised smoking cessation intervention to a lung screening programme: The Yorkshire Enhanced Stop Smoking Study

Selected Publications

Past Research

A randomised control trial looking at enhanced smoking cessation support packages for newly abstinent smokers discharged from hospital.

An exploratory randomised control trial of an intervention to reduce children's exposure to second hand smoke in the home.

Tobacco and Alcohol research

The University of Nottingham

email:Chris Hill