Veterinary Educational Development

Amanda Roshier

Lecturer in Anatomy and Behaviour, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences



Mandy Roshier gained a BSc (Hons) in Equine Science from the University of Bristol before completing a PhD in biomedical engineering at the University of Nottingham, Institute of Biomechanics. This PhD investigated the use of diagnostic ultrasound as a method to diagnose soft tissue injuries of the neck following a whiplash injury. During this period of study, Mandy also demonstrated human anatomy to medical students. An interest in the public engagement of science throughout this period led to presenting her research to Parliament, schools and national science fairs. More recently she was called as an expert witness for the Transport Select Committee's consultation on whiplash in May 2013. Following her PhD and while based in the University's Institute of Biomechanics, Mandy pursued her interest in science communication and secured funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council; this resulted in a science theme day package for primary schools called Awesome Athletes. She joined the School of Veterinary Medicine and Science in March 2006.

Expertise Summary

Mandy Roshier is a Lecturer in Anatomy and Behaviour. She has responsibilities for the administration and delivery of teaching for veterinary students within the School on both the five and six year course. Her focus is primarily on the musculoskeletal and behaviour modules. She is also a facilitator of case based learning in small group teaching sessions. Mandy has extensive experience of learning technologies including video production, interactive white boards and computer voting systems and assists with their integration throughout the course. Continuing her interest in human anatomy, she has developed a facility to provide a comparative anatomy resource. She is actively involved in science communication and public engagement initiatives; working with external organisations as well as organising widening participation events. She represents the School on the University Environment Committee, and the School's Learning Community Forum. Mandy is a member of The Anatomical Society, an academic member of The Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors, and a committee member of the British Veterinary Behaviour Association.

Research Summary

Mandy Roshier's teaching and research interests include science communication and the public engagement of science, applied animal behaviour in the veterinary practice and veterinary education.

Recent Publications

Past Research

Mandy Roshier completed a PhD investigating quantification of pathological trauma of the musculoskeletal system following an automobile whiplash injury.

  • ROSHIER M and MCBRIDE A, 2013. Time to talk about behavioural problems. The Veterinary record. 172(11), 298
  • ROSHIER AL and MCBRIDE EA, 2013. Veterinarians' perceptions of behaviour support in small-animal practice. The Veterinary record. 172(10), 267
  • ROSHIER, AL, FOSTER, N and JONES, MA, 2011. Veterinary Students' Usage And Perception Of Video Teaching Resources Bmc Medical Education. 11, -
  • FOSTER, N., GARDNER, D., KYDD, J., ROBINSON, R. and ROSHIER, M., 2010. Assessing the influence of gender, learning style and pre-entry experience on student response to delivery of a novel veterinary curriculum Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. 37(3), 266-275
  • ABU-HIJLEH, MF, ROSHIER, AL, AL-SHBOUL, Q, DHARAP, AS and HARRIS, PF, 2006. The Membranous Layer Of Superficial Fascia: Evidence For Its Widespread Distribution In The Body Surgical And Radiologic Anatomy. 28(6), 606-619
  • LEUNG, Y L, ROSHIER, A L, JOHNSON, S, KERSLAKE, R and MCNALLY, D S, 2005. Demonstration of the appearance of the paraspinal musculoligamentous structures of the cervical spine using ultrasound. Clinical Anatomy. 18(2), 96-103
  • ROSHIER, A.L., CLARKE, A., FREEMAN, B.J. and MCNALLY, D.S., 2004. Ultrasound identities organic lesions following whiplash injury. In: Spine Week..
  • ROSHIER, A.L., 2004. Awesome Athletes: An interactive science theme day package for primary schools. In: The Association for Science Education, Midlands Area Science and CPD Conference. Science Learning Centre..
  • ROSHIER, A.L., 2004. Whiplash: More than a pain in the neck. In: BA festival of science..
  • ROSHIER, A.L., 2004. Quantification of whiplash injury. In: Set for Britain: Taking Science to Parliament - The 2003 Great British Research and R and D Show..
  • ROSHIER, A.L., LEUNG, Y.L., JOHNSON, S. and MCNALLY, D.S., 2003. Appearance of facet joints and cervical intervertebral discs imaged using ultrasound. In: Anatomische Gesellschaft - 98. Versammlung.
  • ROSHIER, A.L., LEUNG, Y.L., JOHNSON, S. and MCNALLY, D.S., 2003. Can ultrasound be used to image the bony components of the cervical spine? In: Ultrasonics International 2003.
  • ROSHIER, A.L., LEUNG, Y.L., JOHNSON, S. and MCNALLY, D.S., 2003. Can ultrasound be used to image cervical facet joints and discs? In: World Spine II.
  • LEUNG, Y.L., ROSHIER, A.L., JOHNSON, S. and MCNALLY, D.S., 2003. A review of the posterior cervical spine musculature using ultrasound inaging. In: Anatomische Gesellschaft - 98. Versammlung.
  • LEUNG, Y.L., ROSHIER, A.L., JOHNSON, S., KERSLAKE, R. and MCNALLY, D.S., 2003. Ultrasound imaging of the musculoskeletal elements of the cervical spine - Mission Impossible? In: Ultrasonics International.
  • LEUNG, Y.L., ROSHIER, A.L., JOHNSON, S., KERSLAKE, R. and MCNALLY, D.S., 2003. Muscloligamentous anatomy of the cervical spine as visualised by ultrasound. In: World Spine II.
  • LEUNG, Y.L., ROSHIER, A.L., JOHNSON, S., KERSLAKE, R. and MCNALLY, D.S., 2002. Can ultrasound be used to image the musculature of the cervical spine? In: The British Association of Clinical Anatomists. 461-465
  • ROSHIER, A.L., LEUNG, Y.L., JOHNSON, S. and MCNALLY, D.S., 2002. Cervical facet joints and discs visualised with the aid of ultrasound. In: The Society for Back Pain Research, Annual General Meeting..
  • LEUNG, Y.L., ROSHIER, A.L., JOHNSON, S. and MCNALLY, D.S., 2002. Visualisation of the cervical spine musculature using ultrasound. In: The Society for Back Pain Research, Annual General Meeting..
  • ROSHIER, A.L., 2002. Using ultrasound to quantify muscoskeletal injuries. In: Biomechanics Group Short Talk Session.
  • ROSHIER, A.L., 2002. Ultrasound imagining of the cervical spine. In: Back to Back Disc Meeting.
  • ROSHIER, A.L., 2002. Visualisation of the cervical musculature using ultrasound. In: Back to Back Meeting.
  • ROSHIER, A.L., 2002. Cervical facet joints and discs visualised with the aid of ultrasound. In: Back to Back Meeting.
  • ROSHIER, A.L., 2002. Quantifying whiplash injury. In: Bioenginerring Group Short Talk Session.

Veterinary Educational Development Research Theme

The University of Nottingham
School of Veterinary Medicine and Science
Sutton Bonington Campus, Leicestershire, LE12 5RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 6116
email: Email our Research Theme Leader