
Our People

Kulwant Pawar

Professor of Operations Management, Faculty of Social Sciences


Research Summary

Management and Human Factors

Recent Publications

  • WU, L, SUBRAMANIAN, N, GUNASEKARAN, A, PAWAR, K and DORAN, D, 2018. A two-dimensional, two-level framework for achieving corporate sustainable development: Assessing the return on sustainability initiatives Business Strategy and the Environment. pp. 1-14
  • ZHANG, M, PAWAR, K and BHARDWAJ, S, 2017. Responsible purchasing in practice: a case of a global pharmaceutical company's clinical supply chain (In Press.)
  • PRADABWONG, C, TANNOCK, J, BRAZIOTIS, C and PAWAR, K, 2017. Business process management and supply chain collaboration: effects of performance and competition Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. (In Press.)
  • ZHANG, M, PAWAR, K and BHARDWAJ, S, 2017. Improving supply chain social responsibility through supplier development Production Planning and control. (In Press.)
  • ROGERS, H, BRAZIOTIS, C and PAWAR,K, 2017. Guest Editorial for Special Issue on 3D Printing: Opportunities and Applications for Supply Chain Management International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management. (In Press.)
  • SINGH, K, SUBRAMANIAN, N, PAWAR, K and BAI, R, 2017. Cold chain configuration design: location allocation decision using coordination, value deterioration and big data approximation Annual of Operations Research. (In Press.)
  • ZHANG, M, QI, Y, WANG, Z, PAWAR, K and ZHAO, X, 2017. How does intellectual capital affect product innovation performance? Evidence from China and India International Journal of Operation and Productin Management. 38(3), pp. 895-914
  • ROGER, H, BARICZ, N and PAWAR. K, 2016. 3D Printing Services: Classification, Supply Chain Implications and Research Agenda international Journal of Phyiscal Distribution and Logistics Managment.
  • ROGERS, H, SRIVASTAVA, M, PAWAR, K and SHAH, J, 2015. Supply Chain Risk Management in India-Practical Insights International Journal of Logistics: Research & Applications.
  • PRADABWONG, J, BRAZIOTIS, C, PAWAR, K and TANNOCK, J, 2015. Business Process Management and Supply Chain Collaboration: a critical comparison Logistics Research Journal. 8(6), pp. 1-20 (In Press.)
  • GONG, M, TAN, K, PAWAR, K, WONG, W and TSENG, M, 2015. Information communication technology and sustainable food supply chain: a resource-based analysis International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling. 7(3), pp. 1-233
  • DURUGBO, C and PAWAR, K, 2014. A unified model of the co-creation process Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA). 41(9), pp. 4373-4387
  • MOHD HELMI-ALI, TAN, K, PAWAR, K and ZAFIR, M, 2014. Extenuating food integrity risk through supply chain integration - the case of halal food Industrial Engineering & Management Systems. 13(2), pp. 154-162
  • DURUGBO, C, RIEDEL, J and PAWAR, K, 2014. Overcoming barriers to participation in requirements elicitation International Journal of Technology Management. 66(1), pp. 81-103
  • DURUGBO, C M and RIEDEL, J, 2014. Overcoming barriers to participation in requirements elicitation: A content analysis of information management strategies International Journal of Technology Management. 66(1), pp. 81-103
  • PAWAR, K and ROGERS, H, 2014. Mobilising Knowledge across organizational boundaries: addressing human issues in the telecommunications industry Production Planning and Control. 25(5), pp. 355 - 371
  • PAWAR, K. and ROGERS, H., 2013. Contextualising the holistic cost of uncertainty in outsourcing manufacturing supply chains Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations. 24(7), 607-620
  • ZHANG, M., PAWAR, K.S., SHAH, J. and MEHTA, P., 2013. Evaluating outsourcing partners' capability: a case study from the pharmaceutical supply chain Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. 24(8), 1080-1101
  • BERNHARD, R, KATZY, B, PAWAR, K and THOBEN, K, 2013. Living Labs - Innovation Intermediaries for Product Development in Networks International Journal Product Development. (In Press.)
  • ROGERS, H. and PAWAR, K.S., 2013. Contemporary developments in international supply chain operations Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations. 24(7), 549-551
  • SRIVASTAVA, M, ROGERS, H, PAWAR K and SHAH, J, 2013. Cold Chain distribution issues at Indo-Euro Pharma: Case number: 9B13D018 Ivey Publishing.
  • PAWAR, K.S. and ROGERS, H., 2012. Mobilising knowledge across organisational boundaries: addressing human issues in the telecommunications industry Production Planning and Control: The Management of Operations. n/a(n/a), n/a
  • CORONADO MONDRAGON, A.E., LALWANI, C.S., CORONADO MONDRAGON, E.S., CORONADO MONDRAGON, C.E. and PAWAR, K, 2012. Intelligent transport systems in multimodal logistics: a case of role and contribution through wireless vehicular networks in a sea port location International Journal of Production Economics. 137(1), 165-175
  • SONG, MEI- YI, PAWAR, K and STANDRING, P, 2012. The Development of e-Business in the Chinese Automotive Industry International Journal of Enterprise Network Management. 5(3), pp, 219-238
  • PAWAR, K.S., BELTAGUI, A. and RIEDEL, J.C.K.H., 2009. The PSO triangle: designing product, service and organisation to create value International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 29(5), 468-493
  • MOULTRIE, J., LIVESEY, F., MALVIDO, C., BELTAGUI, A., PAWAR, K. and RIEDEL, J., 2009. Design funding in firms: a conceptual model of the role of design in industry Design Management Journal. 4(1), 68-82
  • MA, Z, PAWAR, K, RIEDEL, J and LIN, C, 2009. Case Study of Cultural Comparison Using A Simulation Game - COSIGA On the Horizon. 17(4), pp. 303-312
  • RIEDEL, J., BELTAGUI, A. and PAWAR, K., 2008. Design Scoreboard capturing design spending in firms In: 14th International conference on Concurrent Enterprising, Lisbon, Portugal, 23-25 June.
  • MOULTRIE, J., LIVESEY, F., MALVIDO, C., BELTAGUI, A., PAWAR, K. and RIEDEL, J., 2008. Design funding in firms a conceptual model of the role of design in industry In: International DMI Conference on Design Thinking New Challenges for Designers, Managers, and Organizations, ESSEC Business School, Paris, 14-15 April.
  • RIEDEL, J., BELTAGUI, A. and PAWAR, K., 2008. Product-Service transition - research questions In: 14th International conference on Concurrent Enterprising, Lisbon, Portugal, 23-25 June.
  • MOULTRIE, J., RIEDEL, J., BELTAGUI, A., MALVIDO, C., LIVESEY, F., PAWAR, K., NIXON, B., MACBRYDE, J., DEMIAN, P., EVANS, S. and MARTINEZ, V., 2008. Exploratory study to capture design expenditure in firms In: EIASM 15th International Product Development Management Conference, Hamburg, Germany.
  • MOULTRIE, J., LIVESEY, T., MALVIDO, C., RIEDEL, J., BELTAGUI, A., PAWAR, K., NIXON, B., MACBRYDE, J., MARTINEZ, V., DEMIAN, P. and EVANS, S., 2008. Developing a national design scoreboard In: Design Research Society Conference Undisciplined, Sheffield, UK, 16-19 July. (In Press.)
  • RIEDEL, J., PAWAR, K., TORRONI, S. and FERRARI, E., 2008. RFID awareness and adoption in the UK logistics industry. In: HAASIS, H.-D., . KREOWSKI, H.-J and SCHOLZ-REITER, B., eds., Proceedings of the First International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC 2007) Springer. (In Press.)
  • LALWANI, C and PAWAR, K, 2008. Managing supply chain networks Interntional Journal Production Economics. 111(1), pp. 1
  • RIEDEL, J, PAWAR, K, TORRONI, S and FERRARI, E, 2008. RFID awareness and adoption in the UK logistics industry. In: BLECKER, T and HUANG, GQ, eds., RFID in Operations and Supply Chain Management: Research and Applications Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin. pp. 397-411
  • ARMSTRONG, J.P., HURST, C., JONES, R.G., LICENCE, P., LOVELOCK, K.R., SATTERLEY, C.J. and VILLAR-GARCIA, I.J., 2007. Vapourisation of ionic liquids Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 9(8), 982-990
  • GUPTA, A., PAWAR, K. S. and SMART, P., 2007. New product development in the pharmaceutical and telecomunications industries: a comparative study International Journal of Production Economics. 106(1), 41-60
  • HIRANI, H., RATCHEV, S. and PAWAR, K., 2007. Requirement Specification for Concurrent Development of Reconfigurable Precise Assembly Systems Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications. (In Press.)
  • MA, Z., PAWAR, K., LIN, C. and RIEDEL, J., 2007. Evaluation of team interaction patterns during NPD within European and Chinese contexts International Journal of Chinese Culture and Management. 1(1), 70-72
  • RIEDEL, J., PAWAR, K., TORRONI, S. and FERRARI, E., 2007. RFID awareness and adoption in the UK logistics industry. In: BLECKER, T. and HUANG, G., eds., Handbook of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technologies in Operations and Supply Chain Management: Research and Applications Erich Schmidt Verlag.
  • BELECHEANU, R., RIEDEL, J. and PAWAR, K.S., 2006. A conceptualisation of design context to explain design trade-offs in the automotive industry R & D Management. 36(5), 517-529
  • LIN, C-C., KUK, G., PAWAR, K. and CHEN, J., 2006. A Strategic Alignment of e-Learning Approaches: A Case Study of a Leading University In: 11th International Symposium on Logistics.
  • WOHLFART, L., STURM, F., SLAGTER, R., EMSHANOVA, T., EFIMOVA, L., PRELIPIN, A., ALEXEEVA, I., WOLF, P., RIEDEL, J. and PAWAR, K., 2006. Setting up Communities of Practice for Innovative Russian SME: Interim Results of the Rusmeco EU Research Project In: eChallenges conference.
  • MACBRYDE, J., DUFFY, A., MARTINEZ, V., EVANS, S., MOULTRIE, J., NIXON, W., PAWAR, K., RIEDEL, J. and DEMIAN, P., 2006. Design Score Card: Measuring Design Performance at the Firm Level In: Performance Measurement and Management 2006: Public & Private, Papers from the Fifth International Conference on Performance Measurement and Management.
  • WOHLFART, L., STURM, F., SLAGTER, R., EMSHANOVA, T., EFIMOVA, L., PRELIPIN, A., ALEXEEVA, I., WOLF, P., RIEDEL, J. and PAWAR, K., 2006. Setting up Communities of Practice for Innovative Russian SME: Interim Results of the Rusmeco EU Research Project In: Exploiting the Knowledge Economy. Issues, Applications, & Case Studies, Proceedings of the e2006 conference.
  • RIEDEL, J. and PAWAR, K., 2006. Readiness Assessment For Collaborative NPD In: Performance Measurement and Management 2006: Public & Private, Papers from the Fifth International Conference on Performance Measurement and Management.
  • MA, Z., PAWAR, K. and RIEDEL, J., 2006. Evaluation of Communication Patterns during NPD within European and Chinese Context In: R & D Management Conference.
  • MA, Z., PAWAR, K. and RIEDEL, J., 2006. Evaluation of Communication Patterns during NPD within European and Chinese Context In: 12th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising: Innovative products and services through collaborative networks.
  • PAWAR, K. and PALLOT, M., 2006. Sustainable Innovation Through Community Based Collaborative Environment. In: CORSI, P., CHRISTOFOL, H., RICHIR, S. and SAMIER, H., eds., Innovation Engineering: The Power of Intangible Networks London: ISTE. 105-122
  • BELECHEANU, R., RIEDEL, J. and PAWAR, K., 2006. A Conceptualisation Of Design Context To Explain Design Trade-Offs In The Automotive Industry In: 13th International Product Development Management Conference.
  • MOULTRIE, J., LIVESEY, F., MACBRYDE, J., MARTINEZ, V., EVANS, S., NIXON, W., PAWAR, K., RIEDEL, J. and DEMIAN, P., 2006. Design Scoreboard: Assessing National Design Performance In: Performance Measurement and Management 2006: Public & Private, Papers from the Fifth International Conference on Performance Measurement and Management.
  • ROGERS, H., GHAURI, P. and PAWAR, K., 2005. Measuring International New Product Development Performance: An Evaluation Process Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. 20(2), 79-87
  • RIEDEL, J., PAWAR, K., CONTE, M. and SANTORO, R., 2005. The ARICON Virtual Enterprise Readiness Assessment Approach for New Product Development (NPD) In: International Product Development Management Conference.
  • BELECHEANU, R., RIEDEL, J. and PAWAR, K. S., 2005. An Investigation of Design Trade-offs in the Automotive Industry PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCURRENT ENTERPRISING. 11TH(CONF 11), 473-482
  • PAWAR, K., GUPTA, A., LALWANI, C., SHAH, J., GHOSH, D. and ESCHENBAECHER, J., 2005. Outsourcing to India: Exploring the Management Implications for the Outsourcer and Outsourcee In: 39th Operations Research Society of India (ORSI).
  • SAKIROGLU, M., RIEDEL, J. and PAWAR, K. S., 2005. The Knowledge Creation Process and Model within NPD Teams PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCURRENT ENTERPRISING. 11TH(CONF 11), 119-128
  • SAKIROGLU, M., RIEDEL, J. and PAWAR, K., 2005. An investigation into the knowledge creation process within product development teams In: OKCL2005 - The Sixth European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Capabilities.
  • RATCHEV, S., PAWAR, K. S., URWIN, E. and MUELLER, D., 2005. Knowledge-enriched Requirement Specification for One-of-a-kind Complex Systems Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications. VOL 13(NUMB 3), 171-184
  • LALWANI, C., PAWAR, K., NAIM, M. and SHAH, J., 2004. Contextualisation of Uncertainty Reduction Practices in Indian Manufacturing Firms In: International Conference on Responsive Supply Chain.
  • PALLOT, M., PAWAR, K., SALMINEN, V. and PILLAI, B., 2004. Business Semantics: The Magic Instrument Enabling Plug & Play Collaboration? PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCURRENT ENTERPRISING. CONF 10, 443-452
  • LETTICE, F., THOMOND, P., PAWAR, K., RIEDEL, J., CORMICAN, K., WEBER, F. and WOGNUM, P. M., 2004. A Review of the Last Ten Years of Research Presented at the Annual International Concurrent Enterprising (ICE) Conference PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCURRENT ENTERPRISING. CONF 10, 127-136
  • GUPTA, A. and PAWAR, K., 2004. Dynamics of New Product Development in the Pharmaceutical and Telecommunication Industries In: 9th International Symposium on Logistics - Logistics and Global Outsourcing.
  • CONTE, M., SANTORO, R., RIEDEL, J. and PAWAR, K., 2004. Evaluation of the ARICON Cooperation Readiness Assessment Approach in Actual Industrial Cases In: IMS International Forum.
  • SHAH, J., LALWANI, C., PAWAR, K. and ESCHENBAECHER, J., 2004. Contextualisation of Outsourcing Practices In: International Association of Indian Scholars (AIMS) Conference.
  • SAKIROGLU, M., RIEDEL, J. and PAWAR, K., 2004. Teaching Engineering Knowledge Through Simulation Gaming In: IMS International Forum.
  • HAQUE, B., PAWAR, K.S. and BARSON, R.J., 2003. The application of business process modelling to organisational analysis of concurrent engineering environments Technovation. 23(2), 147-162
  • BELECHEANU, R., PAWAR, K. S., BARSON, R. J., BREDEHORST, B. and WEBER, F., 2003. The application of case based reasoning to decision support in new product development Journal of Integrated Manufacturing Systems. VOL 14(PART 1), 36-45
  • RATCHEV, S., URWIN, E., MULLER, D., PAWAR, K. S. and MOULEK, I., 2003. Knowledge enriched requirement engineering for one-of-a-kind complex systems Journal of Knowledge Based Systems. VOL 16(NUMBER 1), 1-5
  • RATCHEV, S. and PAWAR, K. S., 2003. Critical company assessment and advisory support for introduction of concurrent engineering practices International Journal of Business Performance Management. VOL 6(PART 1), 69-87
  • HAQUE, B. and PAWAR, K. S., 2003. Organisational analysis: a process-based model for concurrent engineering environments Business Process Management Journal. VOL 9(PART 4), 490-526
  • BELECHEANU, R., RIEDEL, J. and PAWAR, K., 2003. A process based conceptualisation of design context as a tool to understand design rationale In: 9th International Conference of Concurrent Enterprising.
  • GUPTA, A., PAWAR, K., CAVENEY, M. and WUNRAM, M., 2003. Assessment of Knowledge Share Using Qualitative Approaches for a Knowledge Intensive Sector In: 9th International Conference of Concurrent Enterprising.
  • PAWAR, K. and RIEDEL, J., 2003. CE-NET: Experiences from a European Network of Excellence and the Contribution to the European Research Area In: International Conference E-Challenges e2003.
  • BELECHEANU, R., RIEDEL, J. and PAWAR, K., 2003. A Conceptualisation of Design Context to Explain Design Trade-Offs in the Automotive Industry In: R & D Management Conference.
  • SHARIFI, S. and PAWAR, K.S., 2002. Virtually co-located product design teams: sharing teaming experiences after the event? International Journal of Operations and Production Management. 22(6), 656-679
  • PAWAR, K., HAQUE, B. and WEBER, F., 2002. Computer based initiatives for implementing and sustaining concurrent engineering Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications. 10(1), 75-93
  • PAWAR, K. S. and SHARIFI, S., 2002. Managing the product design process: exchanging knowledge and experiences Journal of Integrated Manufacturing Systems. VOL 13(PART 2), 91-96
  • WUNRAM, M., WEBER, F., PAWAR, K. and GUPTA, A., 2002. Proposition of a Human Centred Solution Framework for KM in the Concurrent Enterprise In: 8th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising.
  • LARACILLA, J. and PAWAR, K., 2002. Responsiveness in the Supply Chain - Preliminary Results of Case Studies in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods Sector In: Institute of Logistics Research Network Conference.
  • SAKIROGLU, M., RIEDEL, J. and PAWAR, K., 2002. Computer Based Human Readiness Assessment Tool for Virtual Organizations In: Challenges & Achievements in eBusiness & eWork, Conference Proceedings.
  • WUNRAM, M., WEBER, F., PAWAR, K., HORTON, A., GUPTA, A. and BARSON, R., 2002. Barriers Within the Inter-Organisational Management of Knowledge and the Proposition of a Human-Centred Solution Framework In: International Conference on Enterprise Integration and Modelling Technology and International Enterprise Modelling Conference (ICEIMT/IEMC’02).
  • GUPTA, A., BELECHEANU, R., CAVENEY, M., PAWAR, K. and WUNRAM, M., 2002. A Conceptual Model for Capturing the Intra and Inter-organizational Knowledge Interactions Specific to the NPI Process In: International Conference on Challenges and Achievements in E-Business and E-Work.
  • HORTON, A. and PAWAR, K., 2002. Understanding the Nature of Working Relationships and Interactions in Virtual Enterprises In: International Conference on PRP-VE 2002.
  • GUPTA, A., BELECHEANU, R., PAWAR, K., CAVENEY, M. and WUNRAM, M., 2002. A Conceptual Model for Analyzing the Intra and Inter-organizational Knowledge Interactions Specific to the NPI Process In: International Conference on Agile Manufacturing.
  • SAKIROGLU, M., RIEDEL, J. and PAWAR, K., 2002. Development of a Methodology for the Design of Multi Player Multimedia Simulation Games In: 8th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising.
  • SAKIROGLU, M., RIEDEL, J. and PAWAR, K., 2002. Online Gaming: Virtual Team Working Training in the Aerospace Industry In: The International Simulation & Gaming Yearbook. (In Press.)
  • RIEDEL, J. C. K. H., PAWAR, K. S. and BARSON, R., 2001. Academic and Industrial User Needs for a Concurrent Engineering Computer Simulation Game Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications. VOL 9(PART 3), 223-237
  • DRIVA, H., PAWAR, K. S. and MENON, U., 2001. Performance evaluation of new product development from a company perspective Journal of Integrated Manufacturing Systems. VOL 12(PART 5), 368-378
  • LARRACILLA, J. and PAWAR, K., 2001. Responsiveness in the Supply Chain In: International Conference on Production Research.
  • PAWAR, K. and SHARIFI, S., 2001. Product Development Strategies for Agility. In: Agile Manufacturing: The 21st Century Strategy Elsevier Science Inc, New York.
  • STACH, R., WEBER, F., PRICE, G. and PAWAR, K., 2001. A Concurrent Engineering Consulting System In: International Conference on Concurrent Engineering.
  • HARDING, S. and PAWAR, K., 2001. Know-how Share and Transfer in SME Networks: A Contingent Approach In: International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising (ICE2001).
  • PAWAR, K., WEBER, F. and RIEDEL, J., 2001. Networks of Excellence - what are the implications for assessing their impact In: International conference on e-challenges.
  • PAWAR, K.S., 2000. Management of Requirements Engineering Knowledge in Virtual Enterprises In: 6th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising (ICE2000). 101-110
  • PAWAR, K.S., 2000. Human Centred Issues in CE In: 6th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising (ICE2000). 347-354
  • PAWAR, K.S., 2000. Understanding the Human Issues in Virtual Enterprising In: 6th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising (ICE2000). 277-286
  • PAWAR, K. S. and DRIVA, H., 2000. Electronic trading in the supply chain: a holistic implementation framework Logistics Information Management. VOL 13(PART 1/2), 21-32
  • PAWAR, K.S., 2000. Trade-offs in Decision Process in CE Environment In: 15th International Conference on Production Research (ICPR).
  • PAWAR, K.S., 2000. Inter- and Intra-organisational Barriers to Sharing Knowledge in the Extended Supply Chain In: E-business: Key Issues and Application Technologies.
  • PAWAR, K.S., 2000. The Management of Requirements Engineering to Improve Response Quality for One-of-a-kind Production In: International Conference Managing Innovative Manufacturing (MIM2000). 586-593
  • PAWAR, K.S., 2000. Benchmarking the Learning Process in Multimedia Gaming In: 6th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising (ICE2000). 221-230
  • PAWAR, K.S., 2000. Dynamics of User/Customer Interface in the Public Sector Disentangled In: IPSERA 9th International Conference.
  • PAWAR, K.S., 2000. Knowledge Transfer in Design and Development Process Exchanging Knowledge and Experiences In: International Conference R&D Management.
  • PAWAR, K.S., 2000. Managing the Design Process: Exhanging Knowledge and Experiences In: MIM2000. 465-472
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1999. A Simulation Game for Concurrent Engnieering - Determining Academic and Industrial User Needs In: International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising. 417-423
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1999. Decision Support Methodology for Early Decision Making in New Product Development - A Case Based Reasoning Approach In: International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising. 11-119
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1999. The Application of Case Based Reasoning in Concurrent Engineering Environment In: 15th International Conference on Production Research.
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1999. Modelling the Dependency Structure and Optimisation of Concurrency in CE In: International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising. 547-555
  • DRIVA, H., PAWAR, K. S. and MENON, U., 1999. A framework for product development performance metrics International Journal of Business Performance Management. VOL 1(NUMBER 3), 312-326
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1999. A Role And Usage Of Design In The Public Sector: Towards An Analytical Framework For Process Improvement In: 8th International Annual Conference (IPSERA).
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1999. Effective Interactions During the Acquisition Process in the Public Sector: Ensuring Product Design and Procurement Merge In: Institue of Logistics Research Network Annual National Conference. 269-278
  • PAWAR, K. S., HAQUE, B. and BARSON, R. J., 1999. Establishing Concordance within Concurrent Engineering Teams Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications. VOL 7(PART 3), 215-230
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1999. Concepts and Prototype for a Practical Communication and Decision Support Environment for Supporting and Managing Concurrent Product Developmetn In: European Concurrent Engineering Conference.
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1999. Industrial End-User Requirements for Requirements Management and Knowledge Tools In: International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising. 95-103
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1999. Analysis of Requirements and Approach to Support Decision Making Processes in Concurrent Engineering In: International Conference on R & D Management. 53-58
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1999. Industrial and Academic Needs for a Concurrent Engineering Simulation Game In: CE99 Conference: Advances in Engineering. 449-458
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1999. Towards the Development of a Knowledge Based Decision Support System for New Product Development In: CE99 Conference: Advances in Engineering. 241-250
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1999. Managing Concordance and Knowledge in Virtually Collocated Design Teams In: International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising. 433-443
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1999. Approach and Concepts for a Methodology and Software System for the Implementation and Improvement of CE in SME's in the Aeronautics Industry In: International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising. 201-209
  • PAWAR, K.S. and DRIVA, H., 1999. Performance measurement for product design and development in a manufacturing environment International Journal of Production Economics. VOL 60-61(NUMBER 1-3), 61-68
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1999. Electronic Commerce for Programme Management Information Sharing in the Concurrent and Virtual Enterprise In: International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising. 335-361
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1998. Establishing The User Requirements And System Architecture For A CE Simulation Game For The Education And Training Of Engineers In: 10th International IFIP WG5.2/5.3 Conference (PROLAMAT 98).
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1998. Concurrent Engineering-Network Of Excellence: Ojectives, Goals And Current Developments. In: 10th International IFIP WG5.2/5.3 Conference (PROLAMAT 98).
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1998. Knowledge Acquisition and Sharing for Requirement Engineering (KARE) in One-of-a-kind Product Development Environment: Initial Concepts, Current and Future Developments In: 10th International IFIP WG5.2/5.3 Conference (PROLAMAT '98).
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1998. Developing Decision Support Framework For Managing Concurrent Product Development Approaches In CE In: International Symposium On Manufacturing Strategy.
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1998. The Development Of Holistic Implementation Framework For The Managed Introduction Of CE In Manufacturing Firms In: 2nd International Conference On Business And Management.
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1998. Development Of A Methodology And Tool For Analysing New Product Design and Development In A CE Environment In: Engineering Design Conference.
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1998. Virtual Collocation Of Design Teams: Speed Versus Coordination? In: 3rd International Conference Managing Innovative Manufacturing.
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1998. Analysis And Definition Of User Requirements For The Communication And Decision Support In The Concurrent Production Engineering In: 10th International IFIP WG5.2/5.3 Conference (PROLAMAT 98).
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1998. A Simulation Game For CE In: 5th National Product Design Education Conference.
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1998. Improving The Management Of Operations And Activities In Product Development Within CE In: European Conference On Ops. Man.
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1998. Performance Measurements In New Design and Development In: International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising (ISoCE'98). 4-15
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1998. Managing New Product Development: Moving Towards A Model Of Concordance In: EC's Integrating In Manufacturing Conference. 412-422
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1997. Performance Measurement For Product Design and Development In A Manufacturing Environment In: 14th International Conference On Prod. Res (ICPR). 1634-1638
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1997. Organisation Improvement Through Process Analysis In: 14th International Conference On Prod. Res (ICPR). 1184-1188
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1997. Mechanisms For Improving New Product Development Processes For CE At Creda Ltd In: 4th International Conference On CE. 451-464
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1997. Process Analysis As A Means Of Evaluating Organisation Performance In CE Based Product Development In: 15th Aom. 298-303
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1997. Moving Towards 3-D Concurrent Engineering: Glimpses Of Recent Developments In Europe In: 1st Mediterranean Conference On CALS. 52
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1997. Organisational Mapping And Analysis For CE In: Pace '97 Workshop. 81-95
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1997. The Development Of A Methodology To Re-Engineer Communication Patterns In A Design And Development Environment In: 1st National Conference On Logistics.
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1997. Implementation Framwork For CE In: Pace '97 Workshop. 53-68
  • RIEDEL, J. C. K. H. and PAWAR, K. S., 1997. The consideration of production aspects during product design stages Journal of Integrated Manufacturing Systems. VOL 8(NUMBER 3/4), 208-214
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1997. A CE Simulation Game - Initial Concepts For New Means For The Educational And Training Of Engineers For CE In: 4th International Conference On CE. 291-303
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1997. Electronic Trading In The Extended Supply Chain: The Future Or Now? In: 3rd ISL. 425-434
  • SHARIFI, S. and PAWAR, K. S., 1996. Product design as a means of integrating differentiation Technovation. VOL 16(NUMBER 5), 255-264
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1996. Managing The Extended Supply Chain Is 'Re-Engineering' The Answer! In: 13th International Conference of the Irish Manufacturing Committee (IMC-13) on Re-engineering for World Class Manufacturing. 319-326
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1996. The Role Of Performance Measures During The Design And Development Stages Of Products In A Concurrent Engineering Environment In: European Operations Management Association Conference On Manufacturing Strategy-Operations Strategy In The Global Context. 207-212
  • DRIVA, H. and PAWAR, K. S., 1996. The development of a generic framework for the implementation of concurrent engineering International Journal of Computer Applications In Technolotgy. VOL 9(NUMBER 4), 165-173
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1996. Implementation Methodology - A Stepwise Practical Approach For The Guided Introduction Of Concurrent Engineering In: Pace'96 Workshop. 17-34
  • PAWAR, K.S. and SHARIFI, S., 1996. Concurrent Engineering: Integrating Differentiatead Approaches 16(5), 255-264
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1996. How To Analyse Creda's New Product Introduction Process Using The Om Tool In: Pace '96 Workshop. 53-68
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1996. The Development Of A Generic Implementation Framework For Concurrent Engineering In: Faim Conference. 478-487
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1996. Concurrent Engineering: From Concept To Implementation In: International Conference On Agile Manufacturing.
  • PAWAR, K.S., 1996. Team Co-Location Within A Concurrent Engineering Context In: Second International Conference On Managing Integrated Manufacturing. 155-164

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