SEVERN, K. E., DRYDEN, I. L. and PRESTON, S. P., 2021. Non-parametric regression for networks Stat. 10(1), LU, K. W., PAINE, P. J., PRESTON, S. P. and WOOD, A. T. A., 2021. Approximate Maximum Likelihood Estimation for 1D Diffusions Observed on a Fine Grid Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. (In Press.)
SEVERN, K. E., DRYDEN, I. L. and PRESTON, S. P., 2021. Manifold valued data analysis of samples of networks, with applications in corpus linguistics Annals of Applied Statistics. (In Press.)
PAINE, P. J., PRESTON, S. P., TSAGRIS, M. and WOOD, A. T. A., 2020. Spherical regression models with general covariates and anisotropic errors Statistics and Computing. 153-165
HAQUE, M., KING, J. R., PRESTON, S. P., LOOSE, M. and DE POMERAI, DAVID, 2020. Mathematical modelling of a microRNA-regulated gene network in Caenorhabditis elegans Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering. 17(4), 2881-2904 BASKIN, T. I., PRESTON, S. P., ZELINSKY, E., YANG, X., ELMALI, M., BELLOS, D., WELLS, D. M. and BENNETT, MALCOLM J., 2020. Positioning the Root Elongation Zone Is Saltatory and Receives Input from the Shoot iScience. 23(7), CARRINGTON, R. J., BHARATH, K. and PRESTON, SIMON, 2019. Invariance and identifiability issues for word embeddings Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32 (NeurIPS 2019).
OGUNSHEMI, A., HOPERAFT, K., I. and PRESTON, S. P., 2019. Lacunarity of the zero crossings of Gaussian processes Physical Review E. 99(6), REDDY, L., PRESTON, S. P., SHIPWAY, P. H., DAVIS, C. and HUSSAIN, T., 2018. Process parameter optimisation of laser clad iron based alloy: Predictive models of deposition efficiency, porosity and dilution: Surface and Coatings Technology Surface and Coatings Technology. 349, 198-207 RETKUTE, R., TOWNSEND, A. J., MURCHIE, E. H., JENSEN, O. E. and PRESTON, S. P., 2018. Three-dimensional plant architecture and sunlit-shaded patterns: a stochastic model of light dynamics in canopies Annals of Botany. 122(2), 291-302 TSAGRIS, M., PRESTON, S.P. and WOOD, A.T.A., 2017. Nonparametric hypothesis testing for equality of means on the simplex Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. 87(2), 406-422 CARSON, J., CRUCIFIX, M., PRESTON, S.P. and WILKINSON, R.D., 2017. Bayesian model selection for the glacial-interglacial cycle Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C. PAINE, P.J., PRESTON, S.P., TSAGRIS, M. and WOOD, A.T.A., 2017. An elliptically symmetric angular Gaussian distribution Statistics and Computing. 1-9 TSAGRIS, M., PRESTON, S.P. and WOOD, A.T.A., 2016. Improved Classification for Compositional Data
Using the Alpha-Transformation Journal of Classification. 33, 243-261
PAPANIKOLAOU, N.E., DEMIRIS, N., MILONAS, P.G., PRESTON, S.P. and KYPRAIOS, T., 2016. Does Mutual Interference Affect the Feeding Rate of Aphidophagous Coccinellids? A Modeling Perspective PLOS ONE. 11(1), BURGESS AJ, RETKUTE R, PRESTON SP, JENSEN OE, POUND MP, PRIDMORE TP and MURCHIE EH, 2016. The 4-Dimensional Plant: Effects of Wind-Induced Canopy Movement on Light Fluctuations and Photosynthesis. Frontiers in Plant Science. 7, 1392 GOULDING, J, PRESTON, S.P. and SMITH, G, 2016. Event Series Prediction via Non-homogeneous Poisson Process Modelling In: IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM).
PAPANIKOLAOU, NE, WILLIAMS, H, DEMIRIS, N, PRESTON, SP, MILONAS, PG and KYPRAIOS, T, 2016. Bayesian inference and model choice for Holling’s disc equation: a case study on an insect predator-prey system Community Ecology. 17(1), 71-78 DRYDEN, IL, LE, H, PRESTON, SP and WOOD, ATA, 2016. Nonparametric Statistical Methods on Manifolds. In: Rabi N. Bhattacharya Springer. 587-597
RETKUTE, R., SMITH-UNNA, S., SMITH, R.W., BURGESS, A.J., JENSEN, O.E., JOHNSON, G.N., PRESTON, S.P. and MURCHIE, E.H., 2015. Exploiting heterogeneous environments: does photosynthetic acclimation optimize carbon gain in fluctuating light? Journal of Experimental Botany. BURGESS, A.J., RETKUTE, R., POUND, M.P., PRESTON, S.P., PRIDMORE, T.P., FOULKES, J., JENSEN, O.E. and MURCHIE, E.H., 2015. High-resolution 3D structural data quantifies the impact of photoinhibition on long term carbon gain in wheat canopies in the field. Plant physiology. DRYDEN, I.L., LE, H., PRESTON, S.P. and WOOD, A.T.A., 2014. Mean shapes, projections and intrinsic limiting distributions. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 145, 25--32 MAHLBERG, M., SMITH, C. and PRESTON, S., 2013. Phrases in literary contexts: patterns and distributions of suspensions in Dickens's novels International Journal of Corpus Linguistics. 18(1), 35-56 PRESTON, S.P. and WOOD, A.T.A., 2010. Two-sample bootstrap hypothesis tests for three-dimensional labelled landmark data Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Theory and Applications. 37(4), 568-587 PRESTON, S.P. and WOOD, A.T.A., 2009. On definitions of mean reflection shape In: 57th Session of the International Statistical Institute, Durban.
PRESTON, S.P. and WOOD, A.T.A., 2009. Confidence regions in three-dimensional shape analysis In: 57th Session of the International Statistical Institute, Durban.
PRESTON, S.P., JENSEN, O.E. and RICHARDSON, G., 2008. Buckling of an axisymmetric vesicle under compression: the effects of resistance to shear Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics. 61(1), 1-24 PRESTON, S.P, WATERS, S.L, JENSEN, O.E, HEATON, P.R and PRITCHARD, D.I, 2006. T-cell motility in the early stages of the immune response modeled as a random walk amongst targets. Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 74(1), 011910