S AHMED and H SUSANTO, 2017. Band-gaps in long Josephson junctions with periodic phase-shifts Phys Lett A.
WATTIS, JONATHAN A. D., 2017. Shape of transition layers in a differential-delay equation IMA JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS. 82(3), 681-696 BROWN, D. M., WILLIAMS, H., RYAN, K. J. P., WILSON, T. L., DANIEL, Z. C. T. R., MAREKO, M. H. D., EMES, R. D., HARRIS, D. W., JONES, S., WATTIS, J. A. D., DRYDEN, I. L., HODGMAN, T. C., BRAMELD, J. M. and PARR, T., 2016. Mitochondrial phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK-M) and serine biosynthetic pathway genes are co-ordinately increased during anabolic agent-induced skeletal muscle growth SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 6, PARR, T., RYAN, K., WILLIAMS, H., HARRIS, D., BROWN, D., MAREKO, M., EMES, R., GILES, T., WATTIS, J., DRYDEN, I., LU, C., HODGMAN, C. and BRAMELD, J., 2015. Skeletal muscle hypertrophy in pigs is associated with an increased expression of serine biosynthetic pathway genes along with genes associated with an endoplasmic reticulum stress response PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY. 74(OCE5), E278-E278 PRATT, AC, WATTIS, JAD and SALTER, AM, 2015. Mathematical modelling of hepatic lipid metabolism. Mathematical Biosciences,. 262, 167-181 PURVIS, B. E., REEVE, L., WATTIS, J. A. D. and MAO, Y., 2015. Scaling behavior near jamming in random sequential adsorption PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 91(2), PRATT, ADRIAN C., WATTIS, JONATHAN A. D. and SALTER, ANDREW M., 2015. Mathematical modelling of hepatic lipid metabolism, Mathematical Biosciences (vol 262, pg 167, 2015) MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES. 265, 101-103 REEVE, LOUISE and WATTIS, JONATHAN A. D., 2015. Random sequential adsorption with two components: asymptotic analysis and finite size effects JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL. 48(23), ALI, AMIR, SUSANTO, HADI and WATTIS, JONATHAN A. D., 2015. Decay of bound states in a sine-Gordon equation with double-well potentials JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS. 56(5), WATTIS, JONATHAN A. D., GORDOA, PILAR R. and PICKERING, ANDREW, 2015. Behaviour of the extended Toda lattice COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION. 28(1-3), 138-150 QI, QI, WATTIS, JONATHAN A. D. and BYRNE, HELEN M., 2014. Stochastic Simulations of Normal Aging and Werner's Syndrome BULLETIN OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY. 76(6), 1241-1269 GORDOA, P. R., PICKERING, A. and WATTIS, J. A. D., 2014. Nonisospectral scattering problems and similarity reductions APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION. 237, 77-84 PEARSON, T., WATTIS, J. A. D., KING, J. R., MACDONALD, I. A. and MAZZATTI, D. J., 2014. A Mathematical Model of the Human Metabolic System and Metabolic Flexibility BULLETIN OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY. 76(9), 2091-2121 WATTIS, JONATHAN A. D. and JAMES, LAUREN M., 2014. Discrete breathers in honeycomb Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattices JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL. 47(34), PICKERING, A., GORDOA, P.R. and WATTIS, J.A.D., 2013. Behaviour of the extended Volterra lattice Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. n/a(n/a), n/a A ALI and H SUSANTO, 2013. Rapidly oscillating ac-drived long Josephson junctions with phase-shifts physica d. 246, 15-22
WATTIS, JONATHAN A. D., 2012. A coagulation-disintegration model of Oort-Hulst cluster-formation JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL. 45(42), COVENEY, PETER V., SWADLING, JACOB B., WATTIS, JONATHAN A. D. and GREENWELL, H. CHRISTOPHER, 2012. Theory, modelling and simulation in origins of life studies CHEMICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS. 41(16), 5430-5446 ALLEN, E., MOING, A., WATTIS, J.A.D., LARSON, A., MAUCOURT, M., GRAHAM, I.A., ROLIN, D. and HOOKS, M.A., 2011. Evidence that acetate non-utilizing 1 prevents carbon leakage from peroxisomes during lipid mobilization in Arabidopsis seedlings Biochemical Journal. 437, 505-513 ALI, A., SUSANTO, H. and WATTIS, J.A.D., 2011. Breathing modes of long Josephson junctions with phase-shifts SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. 71(1), 242-269 DUDUIALĂ, C.-I., WATTIS, J.A.D. and LAUGHTON, C.A., 2011. Self-organised criticality in base-pair breathing in DNA with a defect Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 240(16), 1254-1261 ALLEN, E, MOING, A, WATTIS, JAD, LARSON, T, MAUCOURT, M, GRAHAM, IA, ROLIN, D and HOOKS, MA, 2011. Evidence That Acn1 (Acetate Non-Utilizing 1) Prevents Carbon Leakage From Peroxisomes During Lipid Mobilization In Arabidopsis Seedlings Biochemical Journal. 437, 505-513 WATTIS, J.A.D., PICKERING, A. and GORDOA, P.R., 2011. Combined breathing-kink modes in the FPU lattice Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 240(7), 547-553 WATTIS, J.A.D., 2011. Mathematical models of the homochiralisation of crystals by grinding Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres. 41(2), 133-173 AHMAD, S., SUSANTO, H., WATTIS, J.A.D. and GOLDOBIN, E., 2010. Existence and stability analysis of semifluxons in disk-shaped two-dimensional 0-pi Josephson junctions (15 pages) PHYSICAL REVIEW -SERIES B-. VOL 82(NUMB 17), 174504 PEARSON, T., WATTIS, J.A.D., O'MALLEY, B., PICKERSGILL, L., BLACKBOURN, H., JACKSON, K.G. and BYRNE, H.M., 2009. Mathematical modelling of competitive LDL/VDLD binding and uptake by hepatocytes Journal of Mathematical Biology. 58(6), 845-880 AHMAD, S., SUSANTO, H. and WATTIS, J.A.D., 2009. Existence and stability analysis of finite 0-pi-0 Josephson junctions (9 pages). VOL 80(NUMB 6), 064515
YI, X., WATTIS, J.A.D., SUSANTO, H. and CUMMINGS, L.J., 2009. Discrete breathers in a two-dimensional spring-mass lattice. VOL 42(NUMB 35), 355207
TINDALL, M J, WATTIS, J A D, O'MALLEY, B J, PICKERSGILL, L and JACKSON, K G, 2009. A continuum receptor model of hepatic lipoprotein metabolism. Journal of theoretical biology. 257(3), 371-84
BAND, L. R., CUMMINGS, L. J., WATERS, S. L. and WATTIS, J. A., 2009. Modelling crystal aggregation and deposition in the catheterised lower urinary tract J. Math. Biol.. 59(6), 809-840 CI DUDUIALA, JAD WATTIS, IL DRYDEN, CA LAUGHTON, 2009. Nonlinear breathing modes at a defect site in DNA Physical Review E: Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 80, (In Press.)
SIGGERS, JENNIFER H, WATERS, SARAH, WATTIS, JONATHAN and CUMMINGS, LINDA, 2009. Flow dynamics in a stented ureter. Mathematical medicine and biology : a journal of the IMA. 26(1), 1-24
WATTIS, J.A.D., 2009. The modified Becker-Doring system with aggregation-dominated rate coefficients. VOL 42(NUMB 4), 045002
MIMOUNI, Z. and WATTIS, J. A., 2009. Similarity solution of coagulation equation with an inverse kernel. VOL 388(NUMBER 7), 1067-1073
WATERS, S.L., HEATON, K., SIGGERS, J.H., BAYSTON, R., BISHOP, M., CUMMINGS, L.J., GRANT, D.M., OLIVER, J.M. and WATTIS, J.A.D., 2008. Ureteric stents: investigating flow and encrustation. Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers Part H Journal of Engineering in Medicine. 222(4), 551-561
WATTIS, J A D, O'MALLEY, B, BLACKBURN, H, PICKERSGILL, L, PANOVSKA, J, BYRNE, H M and JACKSON, K G, 2008. Mathematical model for low density lipoprotein (LDL) endocytosis by hepatocytes. Bulletin of mathematical biology. 70(8), 2303-33
BUTT, I.A. and WATTIS, J.A.D., 2007. Discrete breathers in a two-dimensional hexagonal Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattice. Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and Theoretical. 40(6), 1239-1264 WATTIS, J.A.D. and COVENEY, P.V., 2007. Sequence selection during copolymerisation: Sequence selection during copolymerisation Journal of Physical Chemistry. 111, 9546-9562 DA COSTA, F.P., PINTO, J.T., SASPORTES, R., VAN ROESSEL, H. and WATTIS, J.A.D., 2007. OBERWOLFACH REPORTS. VOL 4(NUMB 4), 2754-2756
BUTT, I.A. and WATTIS, J.A.D., 2007. Asymptotic analysis of combined breather-kink modes in a Fermi-Pasta-Ulam chain Physica D - Nonlinear Phenomena. 231(2), 165-179 MALTSEV, E, WATTIS, JAD and BYRNE, HM, 2006. DNA charge neutralisation by linear polymers: irreversible binding. Phys Rev E. 74, 011904 MALTSEV, E, WATTIS, JAD and BYRNE, HM, 2006. DNA charge neutralisation by linear polymers II: reversible binding. Phys Rev E. 74, 041918 DA COSTA, FP, VAN ROESSEL, H and WATTIS, JAD, 2006. Long-time behaviour and self-similarity in a coagulation equation with input of monomers. Markov Processes and Related Fields. 12, 367-398
BUTT, I.A. and WATTIS, J.A.D., 2006. Discrete breathers in a two-dimensional Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattice Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. VOL 39(NUMB 18), 4955-4984 SIGGERS,J.H., CUMMINGS,L., WATERS,S. and WATTIS,J., 2005. Ureteric stents: investigating flow and encrustation In: Biofilms: Persistence and Ubiquity. 205-209
SIGGERS, J.H., CUMMINGS, L.J., WATERS, S.L. and WATTIS, J.A., 2005. The effect of ureteric stents on urine flow In: Proceedings ASME Bioengineering conference, 2005.
WATTIS, J. A. D. and COVENEY, P. V., 2005. Chiral polymerization and the RNA world INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ASTROBIOLOGY. VOL 4(ISSU 1), 62-74 WATTIS, J. A. and COVENEY, P. V., 2005. Symmetry-breaking in Chiral Polymerisation ORIGINS OF LIFE AND EVOLUTION OF THE BIOSPHERE. VOL 35(NUMBER 3), 243-273 WATTIS, J. A., MCCARTNEY, D. G. and GUDMUNDSSON, T., 2004. Coagulation equations with mass loss Journal of Engineering Mathematics. VOL 49(NUMBER 2), 113-131 WATTIS, J.A.D., 2004. Similarity solutions of a Becker-Doring system with time-dependent monomer input Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. VOL 37(PART 32), 7823-7842 WATTIS, J.A.D., 2004. Nonlinear breathing modes due to a defect in a DNA chain Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences. 362(1820), 1461-1477 CUMMINGS, L.J., WATERS, S.L., WATTIS, J.A.D. and GRAHAM, S.J., 2004. The effect of ureteric stents on urine flow: Reflux Journal of Mathematical Biology. VOL 49(NUMB 1), 56-82 BOLTON, C.D. and WATTIS, J.A.D., 2004. The Becker-Doring equations with monomer input, competition and inhibition Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. VOL 37(PART 6), 1971-1986 WATTIS, J. A. D., BOLTON, C. D. and COVENEY, P. V., 2004. The Becker-Doring equations with exponentially size-dependent rate coefficients Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. VOL 37(PART 8), 2895-2912 BOLTON, C.D. and WATTIS, J.A.D., 2003. Generalized coarse-grained Becker-Doring equations Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. VOL 36(PART 29), 7859-7888 BOLTON, C.D. and WATTIS, J.A.D., 2003. The size-templating matrix effect in vesicle formation I: a microscopic model and analysis Journal of Physical Chemistry B. VOL 107(PART 29), 7126-7134 BYATT-SMITH, J. G., LACEY, A. A., PARKER, D. F., SIMPSON, D., SMITH, W. R. and WATTIS, J. A. D., 2003. Mathematical modelling of homeless populations The Mathematical Scientist. VOL 28(PART 1), 1-12
KING, J.R. and WATTIS, J.A.D., 2002. Asymptotic solutions of the Becker-Doring equations with size-dependent rate constants Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. 35(6), 1357-1380 BOLTON, C.D. and WATTIS, J.A.D., 2002. General Becker-Doring equations: effect of dimer interactions Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. VOL 35(PART 14), 3183-3202 DA COSTA, F. P., GRINFELD, M. and WATTIS, J. A. D., 2002. A Hierarchical Cluster System Based on Horton-Strahler Rules for River Networks Studies in Applied Mathematics. VOL 109(PART 3), 163-204 WATTIS, J.A., HARRIS, S.A., GRINDON, C.R. and LAUGHTON, C.A., 2001. Dynamic model of base pair breathing in a DNA chain with a defect. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 63(6), 061903/1-11 HARRIS, J. R., WATTIS, J. A. and WOOD, J. V., 2001. A comparison of different models for mechanical alloying Acta Materialia. VOL 49(NUMBER 19), 3991-4003 TEW, R. B. and WATTIS, J. A. D., 2001. Quasi-continuum approximations for travelling kinks in diatomic lattices Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. VOL 34(PART 36), 7163-7180 DAVIES, S.C., KING, J.R. and WATTIS, J.A.D., 1999. Self-similar behaviour in the coagulation equations Journal of Engineering Mathematics. 36(1-2), 57-88 DAVIES, S.C., KING, J.R. and WATTIS, J.A.D., 1999. The Smoluchowski coagulation equations with continuous injection Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. 32(44), 7745-7764 WATTIS, J. A. D. and COVENEY, P. V., 1999. Mesoscopic models of nucleation and growth processes: a challenge to experiment Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. VOL 1(NUMB 9), 2163-2176 COVENEY, P. V. and WATTIS, J. A. D., 1999. Cluster renormalization in the Becker-Doering equations Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. VOL 32(NUMBER 41), 7145-7152 WATTIS, J. A. D., 1999. A Becker-Doering model of competitive nucleation Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. VOL 32(NUMBER 49), 8755-8784 WATTIS, J. A. D. and COVENEY, P. V., 1999. The Origin of the RNA World: A Kinetic Model Journal of Physical Chemistry B. VOL 103(NUMBER 21), 4231-4250 WATTIS, J.A.D. and KING, J.R., 1998. Asymptotic solutions of the Becker-Doering equations Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. 31(34), 7169-7190 WATTIS, J. A. D., 1998. Stationary breather modes of generalized nonlinear Klein-Gordon lattices Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. VOL 31(NUMBER 14), 3301-3324 COVENEY, P. V. and WATTIS, J. A. D., 1998. Becker-Doering model of self-reproducing vesicles Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday Transactions. VOL 94(NUMBER 2), 233-246 KING, J.R. and WATTIS, J.A., 1997. 'Mud-cracking' in a Latex paint film, Report from European Study Group with Industry 1997, University of Bath
WATTIS, J. A. D. and COVENEY, P. V., 1997. General nucleation theory with inhibition for chemically reacting systems Journal of Chemical Physics. VOL 106(NUMBER 22), 9122-9140 COVENEY, P. V. and WATTIS, J. A. D., 1996. Analysis of a generalized Becker-Doering model of self-reproducing micelles Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. VOL 452(MNTH 9), 2079-2102 WATTIS, J. A. D., 1994. Solitary waves on a two-dimensional lattice Physica Scripta. VOL 50(NUMBER 3), 238 FRIESECKE, G. and WATTIS, J. A. D., 1994. Existence Theorem for Solitary Waves on Lattices Communications in Mathematical Physics. VOL 161(NUMBER 2), 391 DUNCAN, D. B., EILBECK, J. C., FEDDERSEN, H. and WATTIS, J. A. D., 1993. Solitons on lattices Physica D - Nonlinear Phenomena. VOL 68(NUMBER 1), 1 FLYTZANIS, N., MALOMED, B. A. and WATTIS, J. A. D., 1993. Analysis of stability of solitons in one-dimensional lattices Physics Letters A. VOL 180(NUMBER 1/2), 107 WATTIS, J.A. and DUNCAN, D.B., 1992. Approximations to solitary waves on lattices, use of identities and the Lagrangian formulation Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 505-518
DUNCAN, D.B., WALSHAW, C.H. and WATTIS, J.A., 1991. A symplectic solver for lattice equations In: Nonlinear Coherent Structures in Physics and Biology. 151-158
ALI, AMIR, SUSANTO, HADI and WATTIS, JONATHAN A. D., Rapidly oscillating ac-driven long Josephson junctions with phase-shifts PHYSICA D-NONLINEAR PHENOMENA. 246(1), 15-22