STEPHEN C CREAGH, GABRIELE GRADONI, TIMO HARTMANN and GREGOR TANNER, 2017. Propagating wave correlations in complex systems Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 50(4), 045101 GABRIELE GRADONI, LUK R ARNAUT, STEPHEN C CREAGH, GREGOR TANNER, HAFIZ MOHD BAHARUDDIN, CHRISTOPHER SMARTT and DAVID W P THOMAS, 2017. 'Wigner function based propagation of stochastic field emissions from planar electromagnetic sources IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. (In Press.)
PHANG, SENDY, VUKOVIC, ANA, CREAGH, STEPHEN C., SEWELL, PHILLIP D., GRADONI, GABRIELE and BENSON, TREVOR M., 2016. Localized Single Frequency Lasing States in a Finite Parity-Time Symmetric Resonator Chain Scientific Reports. 6(20499), 20499 GABRIELE GRADONI, STEPHEN C CREAGH and GREGOR TANNER, 2016. Transfer operator approach for cavities with apertures In: 2016 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS). 1-4 (In Press.)
MARICAR, M. I., GRADONI, G., GREEDY, S., IVRLAC, M. T., NOSSEK, J. A., PHANG, S., CREAGH, S. C., TANNER, G. and THOMAS, D. W. P., 2016. Analysis of a near field MIMO wireless channel using 5.6 GHz dipole antennas BAHARUDDIN, M. H., NASSER, H., SMARTT, C., THOMAS, D. W. P., GRADONI, G., CREAGH, S. C. and TANNER, G., 2016. Measurement and Wigner function analysis of field-field correlation for complex PCBs in near field THOMAS, D. W. P., SMARTT, C., NASSER, H., BAHARUDDIN, M., GREEDY, S., GRADONI, G., CREAGH, S. C. and TANNER, G., 2016. Time Domain Measurement of Near Field Emissions from Complex PCBs 2016 46TH EUROPEAN MICROWAVE CONFERENCE (EUMC). 707-710
BAHARUDDIN, M. H., NASSER, H., SMARTT, C., THOMAS, D. W. P., GRADONI, G., CREAGH, S. C. and TANNER, G., 2016. Measurement and Wigner Function Analysis of Field-Field Correlation for Complex PCBs in Near Field PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2016 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY - EMC EUROPE. 7-11
SMARTT, C., THOMAS, D. W. P., NASSER, H., BAHARUDDIN, M., GRADONI, G., CREAGH, S. C. and TANNER, G., 2015. Challenges of time domain measurement of field-field correlation for complex PCBs GRADONI, GABRIELE, CREAGH, STEPHEN C., TANNER, GREGOR, SMARTT, CHRISTOPHER and THOMAS, DAVID W. P., 2015. A phase-space approach for propagating field-field correlation functions NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. 17, SENDY PHANG, ANA VUKOVIC, STEPHEN C. CREAGH, TREVOR M. BENSON, PHILLIP D. SEWELL and GABRIELE GRADONI, 2015. Parity-time symmetric coupled microresonators with a dispersive gain/loss Opt. Express. 23(9), 11493-11507 RUSSER, J.A., GRADONI, G., TANNER, G., CREAGH, S.C., THOMAS, D., SMARTT, C. and RUSSER, P., 2015. Evolution of transverse correlation in stochastic electromagnetic fields In: PHANG, SENDY, VUKOVIC, ANA, BENSON, TREVOR M, CREAGH, STEPHEN, SEWELL, PHILLIP and GRADONI, GABRIELE, 2014. Saturable and dispersive parity-time symmetric directional coupler: A transmission-line modelling study In: Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2014 16th International Conference on. 1-6
PHANG, S.,, VUKOVIC, A.,, BENSON, T.,, CREAGH, S., and GRADONI, G.,, 2014. Impact of Saturable Gain/Loss in Coupled Parity-Time Symmetric Waveguides In: 16th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Graz, Austria. 1-6
CREAGH, S.C., HAMDIN, H.B. and TANNER, G., 2013. In-out decomposition of boundary integral equations Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 46(43), 435203 WHITE, M.M. and CREAGH, S.C., 2012. Quality factors of deformed dielectric cavities Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 45(27), 275302 CREAGH, S.C., 2011. Tractable problems in multidimensional tunneling. In: KESHAVAMURTHY, S. and SCHLAGHECK, P., eds., Dynamical tunneling: theory and experiment CRC Press. 63-93
CREAGH, S.C. and WHITE, M.M., 2010. Evanescent waves outside eccentric optical cavities Proceedings SPIE: Laser Resonators and Beam Control XII. 7579, 757916 CREAGH, S.C. and WHITE, M.M., 2010. Evanescent escape from the dielectric ellipse Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. 43(46), 465102 COX, S.M. and CREAGH, S.C., 2009. Voltage and current spectra for matrix power converters SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. 69(5), 1415-1437 CREAGH, S.C., 2007. Directional emission from weakly eccentric resonators Physical Review Letters. 98(15), 153901 SMITH, G. C. and CREAGH, S. C., 2006. Tunnelling in near-integrable systems Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. VOL 39(NUMB 26), 8283-8306 DREW, C.S., CREAGH, S.C. and TEW, R.H., 2005. Uniform approximation of barrier penetration in phase space Physical Review A. VOL 72(NUMB 6), 062501/1-10 CREAGH, S.C., 2005. Semiclassical transmission across transition states Nonlinearity. 18(5), 2089-2110 DULLIN, H. R., ROBBINS, J. M., WAALKENS, H., CREAGH, S. C. and TANNER, G., 2005. Maslov indices and monodromy Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. VOL 38(NUMB 24), L443-L448 CREAGH, S.C., 2004. Classical transition states in quantum theory Nonlinearity. VOL 17(NUMB 4), 1261-1304 LEE, S. Y. and CREAGH, S. C., 2003. Wavefunction statistics using scar states Annals of Physics. VOL 307(NUMBER 2), 392-420 CREAGH, S.C., LEE, S.-Y. and WHELAN, N.D., 2002. Scarring and the statistics of tunnelling Annals of Physics. VOL 295(PART 2), 194-215 CREAGH, S. C. and FINN, M. D., 2001. Evanescent coupling between discs: a model for near-integrable tunnelling Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. VOL 34(PART 18), 3791-3802 CREAGH, S. C. and WHELAN, N. D., 2001. Regular tunnelling sequences in mixed systems Physica E - Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures. VOL 9(NO 3), 531-534 CREAGH, S. C. and WHELAN, N. D., 2000. Statistics of Chaotic Tunneling Physical Review Letters. VOL 84(PART 18), 4084-4087 CREAGH, S. C. and WHELAN, N. D., 1999. Homoclinic Structure Controls Chaotic Tunneling Physical Review Letters. VOL 82(NUMBER 26), 5237-5240 CREAGH, S. C. and WHELAN, N. D., 1999. A Matrix Element for Chaotic Tunnelling Rates and Scarring Intensities Annals of Physics. VOL 272(NUMBER 2), 196-242 BRACK, M., CREAGH, S. C. and LAW, J., 1998. Level-density fluctuations at the bottom of a potential Physical Review A. VOL 57(NUMBER 2), 788-797 CREAGH, S. C. and DIMON, P., 1997. Geometrical orbits in the power spectra of waves Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. VOL 55(NUMBER 5/PTA), 5551-5563 BRACK, M., BLASCHKE, J., CREAGH, S. C., MAGNER, A. G., MEIER, P. and REIMANN, S. M., 1997. On the role of classical orbits in mesoscopic electronic systems Zeitschrift für Physik D, Atoms, molecules, and clusters. VOL 40(NUMBER 1-4), 276-281 MEIER, P., BRACK, M. and CREAGH, S.C., 1997. Semiclassical description of large multipole-deformed metal clusters Zeitschrift für Physik D, Atoms, molecules, and clusters. 41, 281 DIMON, S. and CREAGH, S., 1997. Geometrical periodic orbits and tunnelling in chaotic systems Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 55, 5551-5563
HANSEN, S. H., HOERLUECK, S., ZAUNER, D., DIMON, P., ELLEGAARD, C. and CREAGH, S. C., 1997. Geometric orbits of surface waves from a circular hydraulic jump Physical Review E: Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. VOL 55(NUMBER 6/A), 7048-7059 BRACK, M., CREAGH, S.C., MEIER, P., REIMANN, S. and SEIDL, M., 1996. Semiclasscial methods for the description of large metal clusters. In: Large Clusters of Atoms and Molecules Kluwer Academic Publishers BV, Dordrecht, NL. 1
TANAKA, K., CREAGH, S. C. and BRACK, M., 1996. Simple metal clusters in magnetic fields Physical Review B: Condensed Matter. VOL 53(NUMBER 23), 16 050-16 058 CREAGH, S. C., 1996. Trace Formula for Broken Symmetry Annals of Physics. VOL 248(NUMBER 1), 60-94 CREAGH, S.C. and WHELAN, N.D., 1996. Complex periodic orbits and tunnelling in chaotic systems Physical Review Letters. 77, 4975 CREAGH, S. C., 1995. Quantum zeta function for perturbed cat maps Chaos. VOL 5(NUMBER 2), 477 CREAGH, S. C., 1994. Tunnelling in multidimensional systems Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. VOL 27(NUMBER 14), 4969 SIEBER, M., SMILANSKY, U., CREAGH, S. C. and LITTLEJOHN, R. G., 1993. Non-generic spectral statistics in the quantized stadium billiard Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. VOL 26(NUMBER 22), 6127 PAVLOFF, N. and CREAGH, S. C., 1993. Shell structure in faceted metal clusters Physical Review B: Condensed Matter. VOL 48(NUMBER 24), 18164 CREAGH, S. C., 1993. Semiclassical mechanics of symmetry reduction Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. VOL 26(NUMBER 1), 95 CREAGH, S.C. and LITTLEJOHN, R.G., 1992. Semiclassical trace formulas for systems with nonabelian sysmmetry Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. 25, 1643