
Our Research

Mathematics has always been the language of science and technology. Modern mathematical modelling techniques allow us to understand and quantify the behaviour of almost any real world system.

An accurate mathematical model also allows us to control and optimize a system. The breadth of impact of mathematical modelling is unparalleled, across disciplines from science and engineering, into areas of the humanities, where mathematical modelling techniques are only just starting to be exploited.

Our Research Priority Area (RPA) exists to leverage the significant expertise in mathematical modelling that exists in the School of Mathematical Sciences, and elsewhere in the University. It facilitates new and unexpected connections both between colleagues and more widely across academia and industry.

A particular focus of the RPA is uncertainty quantification – the study of how uncertainties in data affect the conclusions that can be drawn from a mathematical model. A good example is the study of flow in underground porous rocks, where, even though mathematical models have been available for many years, the information available about the properties of the rocks is patchy and uncertain.

Our impact

Mathematical modelling is increasingly ubiquitous, not only in research, but in everyday life. Services that are used every day incorporate modelling techniques, from traffic mapping systems to weather reports. By improving and expanding both mathematical modelling and uncertainty quantification techniques, we can directly improve how services and products like this function, which can have a huge impact on industries from entertainment to healthcare.

Our University

The University of Nottingham already has considerable expertise in this area, which this RPA will build upon and put to best use. With world-leading research already going on across the institution, and successful modelling projects produced by groups prior to this RPA (such as abrasive waterjet etching and vibration modelling), we know that we can produce high-quality work building on strong foundations.

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