Contractor Management
The University is responsible for securing and maintaining the highest standards of health and safety for those working as contractors within any University premise.
As a controller of premises, the University has a statutory duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all its employees, students, and further, to take necessary actions to ensure our activities do not endanger others including contractors and others who may undertake work on or visit any University premises.
Access Control to Hazardous Areas and for Safety Critical Equipment
There is an access control permit
for contract works taking place in the more hazardous areas of University buildings such as laboratories and workshops.
In addition, work on plant/fans/air handling units in plant rooms that are associated with safety critical equipment (SCE) must be controlled using the same permit. (e.g. of SCEs - Microbiological safety cabinets used for HG 3 organisms or the more serious HG 2; Fume cupboards used for Cyanide, HF or similarly highly toxic substances)
Entry to Hazardous Areas Procedure ![PDF format](/SharedResources/Images/pdf-icon.png)
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