Health and Safety

Email for DSE Users

At two yearly intervals as a minimum you will need to contact all School/Dept DSE Users to ensure they have information about DSE safety, including their right to a free eye test, and that they are formally requested to complete a DSE assessment checklist or to confirm that an existing one is still valid.

The text below can be used in an email for this purpose. Please modify to suit with local detail.

Dear Colleague

You have been identified as a user of Display Screen Equipment (DSE) and as such, an assessment of your workstation is necessary to ensure that you have been provided with suitable equipment, that it is set up to suit your requirements and that your work routine is managed. This is to ensure your wellbeing at work in this regard and also to comply with the Health and Safety (Display Screen Regulations) 2002.

A poorly set up workstation and a work routine that does not allow for regular change in posture can lead to a number of ill-effects, namely discomfort in the back, shoulders, neck, arms or hands, plus eye strain, stress or fatigue.

To assist in the process, please would you spend some time, firstly going through the on-line training information ( concerning the safe use of DSE, this helps to explain why the set up of your workstation is so important (takes 20-30 minutes). Secondly, please complete the self-assessment workstation checklist which can be found at: (takes 10-15 minutes).

Please enter …………………………… in the DSE assessor email box on the form. Upon submission, an email of your completed form will be sent to the assessor for checking. If you have answered all questions positively, no further action is required until such time that a review is carried out (generally after two years). If you have raised issues on your form and/or answered questions negatively, the assessor will arrange to visit you at your workstation to look at what actions are required with a view to improving the situation. Please submit your form by ………………

I would also like to make you aware that as a DSE user, you are entitled to a free eye test through the University. To arrange this, please see the this link for further details.

If you have any queries about the above, please contact the DSE assessor in the first instance. For more information on DSE safety at the University, please refer to: or for general DSE information, the HSE website:

Many thanks

"Joe Bloggs"

School/Dept DSE Assessor


Health and Safety Department

Pharmacy Building (Building 63)
University Park
University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Telephone: Telephone: +44 (0)115 9513401
Email: h&