Health and Safety


Laboratory facilities are widespread throughout the University and these vary in nature depending on the type of work undertaken in them. This section contains information to assist individuals in working safely within laboratories. See both the content below and related links adjacent.

Audit & Inspection

This is an important aspect of safety management.

These checklists PDF format are provided to assist those with specific safety monitoring duties. 

Control Measures

There are a variety of control measures available within laboratories to reduce risk of exposure.

Fume Cupboards and Local Exhaust Ventilation

Personal Protective Equipment and Clothing 

This section provides guidance on the selection and use of the following itmes of PPE commonly used in laboratories.

Lab Coats


Useful interactive web sites to assist in glove selection [Fisher Scientific gloves]:

Respiratory Protective Equipment

Laboratory Equipment

The following items of equipment are found in laboratories and guidance is provided on their safe use.

Mercury Vapour Lamps

Microwave Ovens

Mobile phones, I-pods etc.

Incubating Water Baths

Decontamination Certificate

Where laboratory equipment is potentially contaminated with hazardous substances and needs to undergo repair, modification or disposal, a Certificate of Decontamination should be completed by the person responsible for the equipment. The form must accompany the equipment for the duration of the repair/removal.

UV Light Sources

Pressure Systems

Compressed Gases


Health and Safety Department

Pharmacy Building (Building 63)
University Park
University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Telephone: Telephone: +44 (0)115 9513401
Email: h&