Isostock is the computer software system for accounting for the acquisition, use and disposal of radioactively labelled compounds. The University is required under both environmental and health and safety legislation to have systems to account for radioisotopes. Isostock is networked across the University and may be accessed from a number of designated computers located in or near to radioisotope laboratories.
The version currently in use is Isostock 3. This replaced Isostock 2 from 1st January 2010. The screens have an updated and more user friendly appearance (overview of changes and installation guide ). Radiation Protection Supervisors will provide local training on use of the new software - see Isostock 3 Training Manual .
Isostock 2 has been made accessible as read-only for reference. Should any records need entering or amending in this please contact the Safety Office (
Pharmacy Building (Building 63)University ParkUniversity of Nottingham Nottingham, NG7 2RD Telephone: Telephone: +44 (0)115 9513401Email: h&