Ambition Nottingham: 16-18
When can I join?
You can join in the first term of starting your Post-16 qualifications. For most students this will be the start of Year 12 or Year 1 of a 2 year college course.
When can I apply?
Applications are usually open from Sept-November. Please visit our main Ambition page for the most up to date information as the exact dates will change each year.
What type of Level 3 qualifications are accepted?
We accept applications from students studying A-Levels, International Baccalaureate and Level 3 vocational courses that would allow progression to university such as BTEC/CACHE. If you are unsure if the qualification you are studying is acceptable, then please email to check.
What's on offer?
There will be a variety of sessions to support you through the UCAS process. Details of the specific sessions available and how you can book onto these will be provided once you have been confirmed on the programme. If you have any further questions you can email us at
Does the programme cover all subjects?
The programme is designed to support your journey to HE and provide information and guidance to help you make an informed choice. Most of the sessions will be applicable to all subject areas. However, we will offer some subject focussed sessions. We try to provide as wide a variety of sessions as possible however, we are unable to offer subject specific sessions for all degree course options available. Additional resources will also be provided on our Ambition Hub.
How can I view my bookings?
Once you have been confirmed on the programme, we will send you a link to your own booking page where you can sign up to sessions you wish to attend. Please note that some sessions will have limited number of places.
How can I amend my booking?
You will have access to your own booking page, and you can cancel your place on an event yourself if you are unable to attend. If you are unable to attend an event, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can allocate your place to another student.
Where are the sessions held?
The majority of the sessions will take place online and you can access them via a computer, phone or tablet. We will be using Microsoft Teams to deliver these sessions. Details of how to access Microsoft Teams will be given in your joining instructions for each event. When covid-19 restrictions are lifted, we will look at offering an opportunity to visit our campus.