Faculty of Science

Mature Students' Consultation Event

George Green Library
Wednesday 11th May 2022 (13:00-15:00)

The Faculty of Science would like to create a programme of events to support mature students – but we need your help. We would like mature students across the Faculty of Science to attend this event and tell us what should be included in our programme. 

To book your place please click here. For more information, please email pc-esescience@nottingham.ac.uk 
Can’t attend but want to tell us something? Please complete this Padlet. 

Time: Wednesday 11 May, 1pm – 2.45pm*
Location: George Green Library - room A04

  • £20 Amazon Voucher for the first 20 mature students who attend and participate
  • Optional opportunity to become an official (paid) student consultant and earn up to £200
  • Pizza and drinks provided 

*If these timings are a problem for you, please let us know.

Faculty of Science

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD