




Welcome to the Professional Food Science, Engineering and Technology Group website, hosted by the Food Systems Institute at the University of Nottingham.





Who we are 

We act as the independent unified voice representing more than 10,000 technical food professionals in the UK

The Professional Food Science, Engineering and Technology group’s (ProFSET) goal is to take a strategic and collaborative approach to liaising technical food science actors with UK government and academia about their needs and demands.

We work as a technical influencer across the UK agri-food industry, bringing together experts to uniformly communicate the technical and scientific breadth of the industry to ensure sufficient funding is invested to achieve net zero targets and promote economic growth.

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Why we exist 

Our aim is to influence decisions that will foster the growth of the food and drink sector in the UK by highlighting key industry challenges, from unmanaged food waste to CO2e emissions. We will: 


Boost funding and investment

We will support academic and industry partnerships to bid for funding to address the needs of the sector 


Influence government policies

We will build relationships and deliver projects that have the potential to influence food and drink manufacturing policies 


Exhange knowledge across academia and industry 

Our members will have the opportunity to collaborate and cooperate with industry experts

Increase the capacity of industry professionals 

We will support the development, education and training of professionals to tackle the industry challenges

Attract professionals to build careers in the industry 

We are committed to promoting the industry as an exciting career path for young professionals



Our members 

Teacher and students learning at the blackboard
Applied Microbiology International

Applied microbiology

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Man in the field with a tractor behind him
Institution of Agricultural Engineers

Food engineering

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Engineers working at a site
Institution of Chemical Engineers

Food chemistry

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Scientist in the food  hall
Institute of Food Science and Technology

Food science and technology

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Food being tested in the lab
Institute of Physics, Food Group

Food Physics

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Children performing an experiment
Royal Society of Chemistry

Food chemistry

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People shaking hands after meeting

Where science meets business

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Scientists in a dairy making farm
Society of Dairy Technology


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Kids eating fruits at a park
The Nutrition Society

Nutrition science

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Get in touch

Our activities 

Find out about current and future events at ProFSET

Events and activities

Meet other professionals

Network and interact with industry players on LinkedIn

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Make an enquiry

Get in touch for any collaboration or general requests 

Email us