
Nottingham Student Working Group on Alternative Proteins (SWAP)

A group of Postgraduate students at the University of Nottingham interested in shaping alternative proteins futures have come together to establish the Student Working Group on Alternative Proteins (SWAP).

 alt protein plate

An alternative protein revolution led by students 

SWAP is a student-led group at the University of Nottingham dedicated to exploring and promoting alternative proteins among students. Our goal is to bring together students to share diverse perspectives on the future of sustainable protein sources, adding to the research and engagement activities being conducted by academics across the university.

The group's aim is to foster a community of researchers and students working (or just interested!) in the field and bring more attention to current research initiatives at Nottingham.



Get involved  

We are welcoming students across all departments and faculties across the university to join us! Whatever your background or research area, don’t hesitate to reach out if you’d like to get involved or learn more about this initiative. You can contribute to the group by sharing your student-focused perspective on alternative proteins, organising, and participating in events on alternative proteins and more.

To stay updated on our plans, follow our LinkedIn page.

 Connect on LinkedIn 

Are you a student at the University of Nottingham working on alternative proteins or interested to learn more?

Visit our SharePoint site