Study a Year in Computer Science

Boost your employability with a year spent studying this fascinating and fast-moving field.  

Our Year in Computer Science allows students to take an extra full year studying in the School of Computer Science. The year is a great way of increasing your computational skills and expertise. You can take modules which cover topics such as:

  • introducing programming languages
  • working with databases
  • data modelling and analysis
  • software engineering
  • image processing

There is a growing need for these skills in a wide range of roles and sectors.

Year in Computer Science students

This year will be spent learning on Jubilee Campus, with access to the School of Computer Science computing facilities. 

If you successfully complete the year, 'with a Year in Computer Science' will be added to your graduating certificate.

Which courses have a Year in Computer Science option? 

This option is available to students of the following programmes:

  • BSc Agricultural and Crop Science
  • BSc Agriculture
  • BSc Animal Science
  • BSc Biotechnology
  • BSc Environmental Biology
  • BSc Environmental Science
  • BSc Food Science
  • BSc Food Science and Nutrition
  • BSc Microbiology
  • BSc Natural Sciences
  • MSci Natural Sciences
  • BSc Nutrition
  • BSc Plant Biology
  • MSci Plant Biology
  • BSc Psychology

What entry requirements do you need to take the year?

You can switch onto the year from your current degree following discussion with the tutor for the year. 

You don’t need to have programming experience to join the year, but as it is such an essential skill we strongly recommend you try out some coding before switching; coding is a way of thinking, and it isn’t for everyone.

It also helps to be willing to learn some new mathematics, as this is at the heart of many computer science approaches.

For more information, contact Andy French, Professor of Computer Science, on

Contact Andy

Watch the video

Biosciences student Carys made this video about their experiences of the Year in Computer Science.