An online journal of film and television studies: ISSN 1465-9166
University of Nottingham

Issue 6 — October 2006 

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Book Reviews

All book reviews

Style and Meaning: Studies in the Detailed Analysis of Film edited by John Gibbs and Douglas Pye

A review by James Walters

Sembene: Imagining Alternatives in Film and Fiction by David Murphy

A review by Alexander Fisher


How Hollywood Works by Janet Wasko

European Film Industries by Anne Jackel

A review by Philippe Meers


Deleuze and Horror Film by Anna Powell

Japanese Horror Cinema edited by Jay McRoy

A review by Patricia Allmer


The Fountainheads: Wright, Rand, the FBI and Hollywood by Donald Leslie Johnson

The Gordon File: A Screenwriter Recalls 20 Years of FBI Surveillance by Bernard Gordon 

Screenwriting: The Sequence Approach: The Hidden Structure of Successful Screenplays by Paul Joseph Gulino

A review by David Dunn


Criminal Visions: Media Representations of Crime and Justice edited by Paul Mason

A review by Frances Pheasant-Kelly


Chinese National Cinema by Yingjin Zhang

A review by Sabrina Q. Yu


Film Genre: Hollywood and Beyond by Barry Langford

A review by Elaine Lennon


Andrei Rublev by Robert Bird

A review by Kenneth R. Morefield


Doing Philosophy at the Movies by Richard A. Gilmore

A review by Tom Paulus


Powell and Pressburger: A Cinema of Magic Spaces by Andrew Moor

Coward on Film: The Cinema of Noel Coward by Barry Day

A review by Philip Gillett


Hollywood Utopia: Ecology in Contemporary American Cinema by Pat Brereton

A review by Harri Kilpi


The Cinema of Andrzej Wajda: The Art of Irony and Defiance edited by John Orr and Elzbieta Ostrowska

A review by Sheila Skaff


Shooting Stars: Drugs, Hollywood and the Movies by Harry Shapiro

A review by John Saddington


Nelson Pereira dos Santos by Darlene J. Sadlier

A review by Vicente Rodriguez Ortega

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Film Reviews

All film reviews

Babas Bilar (Baba's Cars) (dir. Rafael Edholm, 2006)

A review by Lars Kristensen


Monster's Ball (dir. Marc Forster, 2006)

A review by Melissa Anyiwo


Atlantic (dir. E. A. Dupont, 1929)

A review by Carol Donelan


Mission: Impossible III (dir. J.J. Abrams, 2006)

A review by Ian London


Superman Returns (dir. Bryan Singer, 2006)

A review by Michael Duffy


Funny Games (dir. Michael Haneke, 1997)

A review by William Smith-Bowers


Conference Reports

All conference reports

Cinema at the Periphery  — A report by Pietari Kääpä


Gender and National Identity in Film and Television: A Postgraduate Conference — A report by Tim Snelson


International Film Workshop on Hero: Anatomy of a Chinese Blockbuster — A report by Shi Yu


From Silver Screens to Liquid Crystals: Screen Studies Conference (2006) — A report by Leon Gurevitch and Alexandra Simcock

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Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies
University of Nottingham
