An online journal of film and television studies: ISSN 1465-9166
University of Nottingham

Issue 20 — June 2011 

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Book Reviews

All book reviews

Screening Sex by Linda Williams
A review by Caroline Walters

What Moroccan Cinema? A Historical and Critical Study, 1956-2006 by Sandra Gayle Carter
A review by Monika Raesch

Hollywood Independents: The Postwar Talent Takeover by Denise Mann  
100 American Independent Films, 2nd edition by Jason Wood
The Contemporary Hollywood Reader by Toby Miller
A review by Gareth James

Documentary Display: Re-Viewing Nonfiction Film and Video by Keith Beattie 
A review by Jeffrey Gutierrez

Mabel Cheung Yuen-Ting's An Autumn's Tale by Stacilee Ford  
John Woo's The Killer by Kenneth E. Hall
A review by Lin Feng

Film Festival Yearbook 1: The Festival Circuit edited by Dina Iordanova with Ragan Rhyne
Dekalog 3: On Film Festivals edited by Richard Porton
A review by Linda Hutcheson

Responses to Oliver Stone's Alexander: Film, History, and Cultural Studies edited by Paul Cartledge and Fiona Rose Greenland
Screening Nostalgia: Populuxe Props and Technicolor Aesthetics in Contemporary American Film by Christine Sprengler
A review by Andrew B.R. Elliott

Research Guide to Japanese Film Studies by Abé Mark Nornes and Aaron Gerow  
The South Korean Film Renaissance: Local Hitmakers, Global Provocateurs by Jinhee Choi
A review by Jonathan Wroot

Chapaev by Julian Graffy  
Leni Riefenstahl: A Life by Jurgen Trimborn (translated by Edna McCown)
A review by Andrei Rogatchevski

Harmony and Dissent: Film and Avant-garde Art Movements in the Early Twentieth Century by R. Bruce Elder  
Moving Viewers: American Film and the Spectator's Experience by Carl Platinga
A review by Caroline Hagood

Reworking the German Past: Adaptations in Film, the Arts, and Popular Culture edited by Susan G. Figge and Jenifer K. Ward
The Collapse of the Conventional: German Film and Its Politics at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century edited by Jaimey Fisher and Brad Prager
A review by Matthias Uecker

Stellar Encounters: Stardom in Popular European Cinema edited by Tytti Soila
Claude Rains: An Actor's Voice by David J. Skal with Jessica Rains
A review by Rachael Johnson

Alternative Film Culture in Inter-War Britain by Jamie Sexton  
The Lost World of Cliff Twemlow: The King of Manchester Exploitation Movies by C. P. Lee and Andy Willis
The British 'B' Film by Steve Chibnell and Brian McFarlane
A review by Laurence Raw

Elia Kazan: The Cinema of an American Outsider by Brian Neve  
Cinephilia in the Age of Digital Reproduction: Film, Pleasure and Digital Culture, Volume 1 
A review by Mildred Lewis

First Person Jewish by Alisa S. Lebow  
A review by Marat Grinberg

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Film Reviews

All film reviews

Shadows of Progress: Documentary Film in Post-war Britain (1951-1977)(BFI Video, 2010)
A review by Dai Vaughan

Bonnie and Clyde (dir. Arthur Penn, 1967) 
A review by Ian Murphy

Cracks (dir. Jordan Scott, 2009) 
Tell-Tale (dir. Michael Cuesta, 2009)
Robin Hood (dir. Ridley Scott, 2010)
The A-Team (dir. Joe Carnahan, 2010)
A review by Laurence Raw

The Karate Kid (dir. John G. Avildsen, 1984)
The Karate Kid (dir. Harold Zwart, 2010)
A review by Rachel Mizsei Ward


Conference Reports

All conference reports

Flow Conference — a report by Kelly K. Ryan and Heather Muse

Women's Filmmaking in France 2000 — a report by Sarah Forgacs

MeCCSA Conference (2011) — a report by Greg Bevan

¡Documentary Now! — a review by Philippa Daniel

Rendering the Visible Conference — a report by Drew Ayers and Steven Pustay

Erotic Screen and Sound: Culture, Media and Desire Conference — a report by Michelle A. Mayefske

Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) Conference (2011): Media Citizenship — a report by Shana MacDonald

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Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies
University of Nottingham
