


...where the horse was of Thomas Mappuls; he refused to pay and still refuses. Damages...


...Inq. 157 LEVY M Elias Ruyley of Mapperley, by Richard Dalbury his attorney, complains...


...comes, by her attorney Thomas of Mapperley, and says as to the sale of John the apprentice...


...between the cottage of John of Mapperley on the northern part and the messuage of...


...part and the tenement of Thomas Maperley sometime of Sir Hugh of Nottingham on...


...CA 1306/II Forinsec Pleas 1410 x 1411 1410 x 1411 [Roll 1] Forinsec pleas held on Thur after Michaelmas before John of Tansley, mayor, William of Bradmore and John de Gresley, bailiffs, 12 Henry IV [2 Oct 1410]. 1 INQ M Thomas de Gedyngton complains of Margaret1 Webster <+, 4d.>. Plea: t...


...CA 1314 (continuation of CA 1313) Burgess Pleas 1418 x 1419 Badly damaged and stained roll. Most membranes have lh side missing. Roll 14 [Court] held on Wed before Palm Sun before Richard Samon, mayor, William [Bethwatre and] Robert Baceford, bailiffs, 7 Henry V [5 Apr 1419]. 346 [John de...


...CA 1308 Burgess Pleas 1413 x 1414 1413 x 1414 Roll 14 Court held on Wed after Easter before Robert Glade, mayor, John Irland and John Jolyvet, bailiffs, 2 Henry V [11 Apr 1414]. 1 M John Thomworth snr complains of William Packer <put, 3d.>. Plea: debt. Many defaults. 2 DIS Margaret (M’...


...CA 1315 Burgess Pleas 1419 x 1420 1419 x 1420 Roll 1 Court held on Wed after Michaelmas before Robert Glade, mayor, John Etwell and Richard Fraunkelen, bailiffs, 7 Henry V [4 Oct 1419]. 1 INQ John Bothall is at inq v John Lychefeld. Plea: debt. As in roll 26 of the preceding year. 2 DIS ...


...CA 1322/II Forinsec Pleas 1431 x 1432 1431 x 1432 Roll 1 Foot stained and damaged Forinsec pleas held on Mon after Michaelmas 10 Henry VI before William Halyfax, mayor, John Fossebrook, bochor, and Edmund Cook, bailiffs [1 Oct 1431]. 1 INQ PLG PROS JOHN FOX, RICHARD REST Thomas Wyssyngd...
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