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...direction. This allows us to map out the full spatial form of the probability density...

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...Exchange-enhanced energy shifts in the polarized photoluminescence of a two-dimensional hole system in the integer quantum Hall regime T. B. Kehoe,1 C. M. Townsley,1,* A. Usher,1 M. Henini,2 and G. Hill3 1 School of Physics, University of Exeter, Stocker Road, Exeter, EX4 4QL, United Kingdom 2 ...

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...Excited states of ring-shaped (InGa)As quantum dots in a GaAs/„AlGa…As quantum well F. Pulizzi,* D. Walker, A. Patanè, L. Eaves, and M. Henini School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, United Kingdom D. Granados and J. M. Garcia Instituto de Microelectr...


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...Spin injection from two-dimensional electron and hole gases in resonant tunneling diodes Y. Galva˜o Gobato,1,a) H. V. A. Galeti,1 L. F. dos Santos,1 V. Lo´pez-Richard,1 D. F. Cesar,1 G. E. Marques,1 M. J. S. P. Brasil,2 M. Orlita,3,4 J. Kunc,3,4 D. K. Maude,3 M. Henini,5 and R. J. Airey6 1 U...

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...Hole space-charge buildup and evidence for seque tial tunneling in p-type double-barrier resonant tunneling devices R. K. Hayden, L. Eaves, and M. Henini Department of Physics, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD. United Kingdom D. K. Maude and J. C. Portal Serv...
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