

02 Patane PhysRevB_65_165308.pdf obtain twodimensional maps of the probability densities...provides a spatial map of uw QD(kx ,ky)u

00 Patane Phys. Rev. B 62, 11084.pdf

...Carrier thermalization within a disordered ensemble of self-assembled quantum dots A. Patane`, A. Levin, A. Polimeni,* L. Eaves, P. C. Main, and M. Henini School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, United Kingdom G. Hill Department of Electronic and Electrical...

06 Carvalho (PRB).pdf

...Voltage-controlled hole spin injection in nonmagnetic GaAs/AlAs resonant tunneling structures H. B. de Carvalho,1 Y. Galvão Gobato,2,* M. J. S. P. Brasil,1 V. Lopez-Richard,3 G. E. Marques,2 I. Camps,2 M. Henini,4 L. Eaves,4 and G. Hill5 1Grupo de Propriedades Ópticas, Instituto de Física Gleb...

11_Sales.pdf this material. A bidimensional map of Bi atoms is extracted showing areas where...

97 Galbiati ApplPhysLett_71_3120.pdf

...Cavi! for the room temperature PL mapping. The high quality Be-doped GaAs has been...


...Raman setup, allowing for spectra mapping on multiple points on the sample surface with...

00 Patane JApplPhys_87_1943.pdf

...Experimental studies of the multimode spectral emission in quantum dot lasers A. Patane`, a) A. Polimeni, L. Eaves, M. Henini, and P. C. Main School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, United Kingdom P. M. Smowton, E. J. Johnston, P. J. Hulyer, E. Herrmann, a...


...figure shows a mapping of the CL the CL mappings. Such CL signal, arising...inset shows a mapping of the CL peak


...Figure 3(a) presents a color-coded map of the QW EL intensity as function of...


...what is meant by a phase space map ; understand how fractals and chaotic systems...
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