

Key Matches




...Molecular Biophysics Molecular structure by NMR (I) Today: Calculating electron density in X-ray diffraction NMR and structure investigations  Magnetic properties of nuclei  Chemical shift Recap from last week Structure factors Fhkl corresponds to the square root of the intensities of the ...


...Molecular Biophysics Random Motion & Fluctuations Evolution with frequency Evolution with frequency 1) 2) Coherence transfer 3) t1 t2 spectrum 2D NMR spectroscopy Cosy spectrum Noesy spectrum The Nuclear Overhauser Effect: Distance Measurements using Relaxation Radiofrequency field appli...


...Structure by Diffraction Experiments Key Points • Reflections of simple cubic unit cells • Calculating the elecron density 1 1.1 Reflections from simple cubic unit cells In the following section we analyse how the geometric arrangement of the atoms in a unit cell effects the intensity of ...


...Molecular Biophysics Random Motion & Fluctuations (II) Today  Autocorrelation and Kubo relationship  Directed motion – the Brownian rachet  Intro optical trapping Velocity autocorrelation function from the Langevin model ( ) ( ) = = ∫ ∫ ∞ − ∞ 0 / 0 0 e dt m kT v ...


...Molecular Biophysics Protein folding Z n E kT P E E i i i exp[ ( / )] ( ) − = Probability for conformations The probability P(Ei) that any molecular shape with energy E is generated by fluctuations is ∑ n Z is the partitioning function: Molecular configurations with energy in the or...




...Molecular Biophysics 1 Problems 1.1 Q1 Two non-eqivalent protons, A and B, have chemical shift (measured with respect to the reference standard TMS) of 2.2 ppm and 7.2 ppm, respectively. By how much in Hz will their resonances be separated if the spectrum is recorded using a 500 MHz spectromete...




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