


...University of Nottingham Faculty of Engineering Gold Award November 2019 This is a REDACTED document Redaction statement: Data are presented in graphs and tables. Numbers and % are both included, however, some data where there are small numbers (generally <5-10) have been redacted and the ...


...The 21st-century University: Sta Feedback Introduction In developing the next University strategy, engagement with sta and stakeholders is critical in producing a strategy that both re ects and drives the work of us all at the University – and that engagement with University sta ...


...Report Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report 2020-2021 Table of Contents Introduction.......................................................................................................................................1 Section One: COVID-19 Support for Staff and Students 2020-21 ....


...of Statistics Malaysia Official Portal. 2021. Available online: https://www.dosm...


...1 University Strategy Consultation Comments received in the Green Paper consultation online questionnaire – Part 2 2 Contents Which facilities for students should be our priority for future development? - Other (please state)....3 Thinking about the University in 10 years’ time, describe ...


...Export Market Risk and the Role of Public Credit Insurance Inga Heiland* Erdal Yalcin** August 2013, very preliminary. Please do not cite. Abstract In this paper we analyze the impact of public export credit guarantees on firms’ exports. Earlier studies have shown that export credit guarantees...


...University of Nottingham Faculty of Engineering Gold Award November 2019 This is a REDACTED document Redaction statement: Data are presented in graphs and tables. Numbers and % are both included, however, some data where there are small numbers (generally <5-10) have been redacted and the ...


...Grant Writing Workshop 12TH JUNE 2014 (KLTC) Start End Activity Person Room 10:00 10:15 Welcome Interests and Expertise Graham Kendall Sue Scarborough 10:15 11:00 International and Industrial grants -potential grants available and how to apply. Review & cluster interests by panel and ment...


...EURAXESS LINKS ASEAN 2013 September Issue 31 Thai researcher wins 1st EURAXESS Science Slam ASEAN 2013. Second place goes to young researcher from the National University of Singapore Dr Phanramphoei Frantz, a virologist working at BIOTEC in Thailand has won the EURAXESS Science Slam A...


...EURAXESS LINKS ASEAN 2015 March Issue 49 Dear Colleagues, It is our pleasure to present you the latest edition of the EURAXESS Links ASEAN e-newsletter. On the occasion of International Women’s Day we are focusing on the efforts of the European Union to create gender equality in scien...
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