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...potential for device applications. Our results reveal clearly...K. Maude, J. C. Portal, and G. Hill, Appl. Phys

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...Semicond. Sci. Technol. 9 (1994) 540-544. Printed in the UK Electroluminescence and magnetotransport studies of a p-i-n superlattice double-barrier resonant tunnelling - structure D K Maude?, 0 Kuhnt, J C Portalt, M Heninif, L Eaves$, G Hills and M A Pates ?SNCI-CNRS. 25 AV. des Martyr...

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...Temperature dependence of dark current in a p–i–n photodiode incorporating a resonant tunneling structure Azzouz Sellai*,1 , Mohamed Henini2 , and Zahir Ouennoughi**,1 1 Physics Department, Sultan Qaboos University, P.O. Box 36, 123 Muscat, Oman 2School of Physics and Astronomy, Notting...

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...Pergamon Solid-State Electronics Vol. 37, Nos 4-6. pp. 843-846, 1994 Copyright !f 1994 Elsevier Science Ltd Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved 003841101/94 $6.00 + 0.00 MODULATED BLUE SHIFT OF THE QUANTUM WELL ELECTROLUMINESCENCE IN A GaAs/A1As SUPERLATTICE RESONANT TUNNELLI...
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