

02 Patane PhysRevB_65_165308.pdf

...F. W. Sheard, O. H. Hughes, J. C. Portal, and L. Cury, Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 1749...

07 Fowler (PRB on SLs).pdf

...and J. C. Portal, Semicond. Sci. Technol...A. Celeste, J. C. Portal, and F. Mollot, Europhys

06 Carvalho (PRB).pdf

...H. Hughes, J. C. Portal, and L. Cury, Phys. Rev...K. Maude, J. C. Portal, and G. Hill, Appl. Phys

91 Alikacem ApplPhysLett_59_3124.pdf

...F. W. Sheard, G. A. Toombs, J. C. Portal, L. Dmowski, P. Claxton, G. Hill, M...

03 Makarovski ApplPhysLett_82_925.pdf

...Nonlinear hole transport through a submicron-size channel O. Makarovsky,a) A. Neumann, A. M. Martin, L. Turyanska, A. Patane`, L. Eaves, M. Henini, and P. C. Main School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, NG7 2RD United Kingdom S. Thoms and C. D. W. Wilkinson Department of Elec...

02 Patane ApplPhysLett_81_661.pdf

...C. Hamaguchi, D. K. Maude, and J.-C. Portal, Physica B 272, 190 ~1999!. 9A. A. Ignatov...

00 Patane JApplPhys_88_2005.pdf

...Resonant tunneling and photoluminescence spectroscopy in quantum wells containing self-assembled quantum dots A. Patane`, a) A. Polimeni, L. Eaves, P. C. Main, M. Henini, Yu. V. Dubrovskii,b) A. E. Belyaev,c) P. N. Brounkov,d) E. E. Vdovin,b) and Yu. N. Khaninb) School of Physics and Astronomy,...

94 Buhmann ApplPhysLett_65_3332.pdf

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...Far-infrared intersubband transitions in a two-dimensional GaAs/(Al,Ga)As hole system: Direct comparison of experiment and calculation B. E. Cole, J. M. Chamberlain, and M. Henini Department of Physics, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, United Kingdom V. Nakov and G. Gobsch Institut...

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