


...Voltage- and Light-Controlled Spin Properties of a Two-Dimensional Hole Gas in p-Type GaAs/AlAs Resonant Tunneling Diodes H.V.A. GALETI,1,5 Y. GALVA˜ O GOBATO,2 M.J.S.P. BRASIL,3 D. TAYLOR,4 and M. HENINI4 1.—Departamento de Engenharia Ele´trica, Universidade FederaldeSa˜o Carlos, Sa˜o Ca...

Hayden 1.pdf

...Semicond. Sci. Technol. 11 (1996) 1424–1428. Printed in the UK Observation of resonant hole tunnelling through a (110) oriented AlAs/GaAs/AlAs quantum well R K Hayden†, T Takamasu†‡, N Miura†, M Henini§, L Eaves§ and G Hillk † Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Toky...


...* Corresponding author. Tel.: #44-115-9515192; fax: #44- 115-9515180. E-mail address: (T.M. Fromhold) 1Present address: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 5XH, UK. Physica B 272 (1999) 163}166 The tr...


...barrier diodes (SBDs) has enabled mapping of the upper half of the bandgap and...

Sanguinett 1.pdf different coverages by mapping the polarization ratio. No dependence of...

Moriarty JVB00943.pdf

...provided a charge distribution map ~0.9 Å!. The results of the total energy...

15_Nobrega.pdf the QDs. Fig. 3. (a) Color-coded map of InAs QDs PL intensity as a function of...


...Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Study of 4-ATP on Gold Nanoparticles for Basal Cell Carcinoma Fingerprint Detection LUU MANH QUYNH,1 NGUYEN HOANG NAM,1,2,4 K. KONG,3 NGUYEN THI NHUNG,1 I. NOTINGHER,3 M. HENINI,3 and NGUYEN HOANG LUONG2 1.—Faculty of Physics, Hanoi University of Science, ...


...distributed homogeneously. The EDS mapping data displayed in Figure 3b indicates that...


...Charge buildup effects in asymmetric p-type resonant tunneling diodes Y. Galva˜o Gobatoa,e,*, M.J.S.P. Brasilb , I. Campsa , H.B. de Carvalhob , L.F. dos Santosa , G.E. Marquesa , M. Heninic , L. Eavesc , G. Hilld a Departamento de Fı´sica, UFSCar, 13565-905 Sa˜o Carlos, SP, Brazil b ...
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