


...that is to say, Put into fair water soe much as you please of the Powder...


...Les sens du rite Encens et religion dans les sociétés anciennes *** Sensing Divinity Incense, religion and the ancient sensorium *** Rencontre scientifique internationale 23-24 juin 2017, British School at Rome and the École française de Rome Call for Papers/ Appel à communication Orga...


... The Slump and Immigration Policy Tim Hatton University of Essex and Australian National University University of Nottingham, 12th March 2014 Slumps and immigration policy In the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis many expected a sharp fall in support for immigration and a p...

john-sutton2-2009.ppt Textiles (b) Trade Fairs: Ubiquitous (c) Supply chains: Vertical Transfers...

john-sutton-ottawa-2009.ppt Textiles (b) Trade Fairs: Ubiquitous (c) Supply chains: Vertical Transfers...


...fallback wages matter? Notions of fairness and the importance of comparison incomes have...


...Polystyrene blends: a rheological and solid-state study of the role of molecular weight distribution Andrea S´anchez Valencia B.Eng, MSc Faculty of Engineering University of Nottingham Thesis submitted to the University of Nottingham for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy July 2018 Acknowl...


...tyranny of the majority: Fundamental fairness in representative democracy, Free Press New...


...The Decision to Export in the Presence of Underemployment* by Carl Davidson1,2, Steven J. Matusz1,2 and Andrei Shevchenko1 1 Department of Economics, Michigan State University 2 GEP, University of Nottingham Abstract In a model with search generated unemployment and heterogeneity on b...


...Trade Costs 1 James Anderson Boston College NBER Eric van Wincoop University of Virginia NBER September 10, 2003 1 In preparation for the Journal of Economic Literature. Preliminary draft; please do not quote without permission. Abstract This paper surveys trade costs — what we know, an...
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