


...INNERVATE Leading Undergraduate Work in English Studies, Volume 5 (2012-2013), pp. 65-72 ‘Misogyny and a fascination with the feminine potential of masculine sexuality are part of the common discourse’. 1 To what extent are discourses of ‘misogyny’ normalised in Epicene and As You ...


...the four gas giants (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) all have strong magnetic...

travel-workshop-abstract-booklet.pdf W.G.Sebald’s The Rings of Saturn I will demonstrate how moving through unfamiliar...


...jamming tests - US) SATURN Consortium researching GNSS...of Bath, NPL. SATURN SATellite-based aUtonomous

Nishanth Pushparaj

...Oblateness Effect of Saturn on Halo Orbits of L1 and L2 in Saturn-Satellites Restricted Three...

Nishanth Pushparaj

...Oblateness Effect of Saturn on Halo Orbits of L1 and L2 in Saturn-Satellites Restricted Three...

The 5 Planet Waltz - The News Room

...Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn and Mercury will all...the right one. Saturn is reasonably bright, but

Nishanth Pushparaj

...Oblateness Effect of Saturn on Halo Orbits of L1 and L2 in Saturn-Satellites Restricted Three...

Nottingham Geospatial Institute

...Oblateness Effect of Saturn on Halo Orbits of L1 and L2 in Saturn-Satellites Restricted Three...

Sixty Ideas Keywords q-z

...sixtysymbols rings Capturing Saturn Neptune Saturn rockets Why is...edge of space? Saturn Capturing Saturn Christmas Star Density Saturn scalar Momentum and...Black Holes Pluto Saturn Solstice and Equinox
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