


...Globalization and Endogenous Firm Scope∗ Volker Nocke† University of Oxford, University of Pennsylvania, and CEPR Stephen Yeaple‡ University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, and NBER April 9, 2007 Abstract We develop a theory of multiproduct firms to analyze the effects of globali...


...measures to ensure fair and safe working conditions...engagement with the Fair Labor Association, which...engaged with the Fair Labor Association, the


...of Laws (%) 27.6 29.8 26.5 29.4 Fairness in the Business Disputes (%) 64.0 67.6...


...Gravity Redux : Structural Estimation of Gravity Equations, Elasticities of Substitution, and Economic Welfare under Asymmetric Bilateral Trade Costs∗ Jeffrey H. Bergstrand† , Peter Egger‡ , and Mario Larch§ November 7, 2008 Abstract One of the most notable economic policy accomplish...


...Introduction Landscape reconstruction is often an important aspect of the work of local historians in uncovering the history of a parish. For many English parishes in particular, tithe and enclosure maps of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries—alongside contemporary field-books, surveys and...


...Social, Military and Intellectual Proceedings of the 2nd CSPS PG and Early Career Conference, University of Nottingham 22-24 March 2013 CONFLICT IN THE PELOPONNESE edited by Vasiliki BROUMA Kendell HEYDON CSPS Online Publications 4 2018 Publish...


...The impact of Covid-19 on the public and health expenditure gradient in mortality in England University of Nottingham School of Economics MSc Economic Development and Policy Analysis Author: Alexander Waller Supervisor: Dr Jake Bradley Student ID: 14322891 Academic Year: 2021-22 This Disse...


...frequent, and many with croft and fair few with hol). The meaning „magpie‟ does...


...Do foreign workers reduce trade barriers? Microeconomic evidence Martyn Andrews University of Manchester Thorsten Schank Friedrich-Alexander Universit¨at Erlangen-N¨urnberg Richard Upward∗ University of Nottingham June 11, 2010 Preliminary: please do not quote Abstract This paper prov...


...Foreign Firms, Competition, and R&D in China * Fredrik Sjöholm Research Institute of Industrial Economics and Örebro University P.O. Box 55665 SE-102 15 Stockholm, Sweden Email: Nannan Lundin E3G and Stockholm Environment Institute SE-106 91 Stockholm, Swed...
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