

Key Matches


...following relatively closely the timetable set out in the research application. Papers...


...Diversity and Change Conference Timetable University of Nottingham Viking World 16...


...service does not follow a fixed timetable, operating on demand basis. • A...


...Travel survey results 2013 1. Are you a staff member or a student? 2. Is your work / study full time or part time? 3. Where do you predominantly work / study? 52% 48% Staff Student 87% 13% Full-time Part-time 54% 15% 13% 9% 6% 1% 1% 1% University Park Campus Sutton Bonington Medic...


...2. Light 2.1 Light in diagnosis 2.1.1 Direct visualisation Doctor’s mirror (historical?) Curved surface focuses light onto object being examined (at near point approximately) Otoscope, Opthalmoscope Light focused into cavity of interest. For opthalmoscope, the patie...

2016 Alsarraf_et_al.pdf

...changed significantly with time (Table 4; YEAR × INFECTION, χ...

2004 Higginson & Gilbert_wingbeat model.pdf

...quarter of that time (table 1). We also assume that...


... Medical Physics Ultrasound Imaging Annular array Piezoelectric effect Fig. 8.6 + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - ...


...26/06/2008 School of Nursing Elearning Strategy 2008-2013 1.0 Definitions The definition of e-learning used in this strategy is broad, to include any use of technologies to support, deliver or facilitate learning. E-learning provision spans various levels of blended learning (the combina...

2018 Gilbert-H-TimeToShiftThePower.pdf

...1 Time to #ShiftThePower? Community philanthropy and durable development Introduction How likely is it that a given organization will facilitate sustainable change? Untold millions of dollars are spent, and untold effort expended, in co-ordinated attempts to make life better for individuals ...
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