


...with his dog, Maple. Why Future Food? What...metabolomics approach to map the changes undergone by


...the OS 1:50000 map, the site of Partney appears...on the OS 1:50000 map (TF 411685–425685), though


...CA 1276a Pleas 1366 x 1367 1366 x 1367 14 rolls. Roll 1 Chaumberleyn Strelley Pleas held on Wed after Michaelmas 40 Edward III (30 Sept 1366). 1 ESSOINS M 2d. • John de Bykemore def <+> v John Bully pl <offered by attorney>. Plea: debt. Essonr: William Bonde - aff.1 M 2d. • Richar...


...CA 1334 Forinsec Pleas 1445 x 1446 1445 x 1446 Roll 1 Forinsec pleas held on Thur the morrow of Michaelmas 24 Henry VI [30 Sept 1445] before John Plumptre, mayor, Thomas Hasteclyff and William Baxster, bailiffs. 1 INQ M PLG PROS JOHN COST, ADAM FOX John Deye of Moor Green (Moregrene), ...


...CA 1270 Pleas 1360 x 1361 1360 x 1361 13 rolls Roll 1 [Geoffrey] Plot [Ralph of] Calverton Pleas held on Wed before the feast of St Denis 34 Edward III (7 Oct 1360). 1 ESSOINS • Roger le Mason def v William of Skelton pl. Plea: debt. Essonr: Ralph Bik - aff.1 ... • Roger le Mason pl...


...CA 1333 Burgess Pleas 1442 x 1443 1442 x 1443 Roll 1 Court held on Wed after Michaelmas 21 Henry VI [2 Oct 1442] before Thomas Thurland, mayor, and William Stepeley [and] John Allestre, bailiffs. 1 PUT William Halyfax <essoin> complains of William Colvyle. Plea: debt. Summoned. Does not...


...CA 1325 Forinsec Pleas 1433 x 1434 1433 x 1434 Heavily damaged and stained roll. Most membranes have much of lh side missing Roll 1 Forinsec pleas held on Wed after Michaelmas 12 Henry VI [30 Sept 1433] before John Etwell, mayor, Hugh Forster and John Castell, bailiffs. 1 LEVY M John Lokyn...


...Income, 2011 - Interactive Map [Online], Available: http...2013/sum-interactive-map.html; [9 October 2013


...For further information: The Estates Department The University of Nottingham University Park Nottingham NG7 2RD Tel: (0115) 951 3649 August 2010 Design: Aspire Design A guided walk This guide was prepared by Martin Lloyd, Desmond O’Grady and Rod Taylor. ‘Sutton Bonington Arboretum ...


...for staff. Ongoing A wellbeing map should be created to draw collective awareness...
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