


...Cheilosia caerulescens Meigen, a destroyer of houseleek [Sempervivum tectorum ] J. d'Aguilar & R. Coutin (1988) Bull.Soc.ent.Fr. 92:307-9 Syrphid larvae are mainly known as carnivores, particularly as aphid predators. In fact, they have the most varied habitats. Some are aquatic, living as ...


...[ Artifical flowers in determining the winter quarters, food plants and daily movements of Lasiopticus pyrastri and other hoverflies ] Fritz Schneider (1958) Mitteilungen der schweizerischen entomologischen Gesellschaft 31: 1-24 I. Introduction A fruitful method of collection is indispensibl...


...F. Schneider (1950) [ The defence reactions of insect blood and its influence on parasitoids ] Vierteljahrsschrift der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich 95: 22-44 1. Introduction The multitude of insects, which make up about two thirds of all known animal species, is distinguished by ...


... [ A syrphid larva from the larval galleries of Hylobius abietis L. ] De F. Eckstein (1920) Naturwiss. Z. Forst. und Land. 18: 178-182 Knowledge of insect larvae generally, and fly larvae in particular is still really patchy. T...


...[ Entomophagous insects on vegetable crops ] B.P. Adashkevich (1975) Kolos, Moscow. 190 pp. translated by B.Cooper (Commonwealth Bureau of Plant Breeding) pp. 88-121 Predatory Syrphid flies In the natural regulation of aphid numbers, great importance can be attached to syrphid flies. ...


...Andries, M (1912) Zur Systematik, Biologie und Entwicklung von Microdon Meigen. [ On the systematics, biology and development of Microdon Meigen ] Zeitschrift für wissenschaftlichen Zoologie 103: 300-361 Historical Systematic Larvae Pupae Adults Biology I started collecting...


...U Rohnert (1950) Water-filled treeholes and their colonisation. A study of the dendrolimnetic fauna ] Arch Hydrobiol 44: 472-516 0. Introduction a) Definitions [...] b) Studied tree species and study sites [...] c) Study methods To withdraw the sample, the water was sucked up ...


...K. Hölldobler (1929) [ On the development of the hoverfly Xanthogramma citrofasciatum in the nests of Lasius alienus and niger ] Zoologischer Anzeiger, Leipzig 82: 171-6 That the hoverfly Xanthogramma citrofasciatum lives as a larva in the nests of ants is known already; what is still...


...N Holmgren (1904) [ On the morphology of the insect head: some notes on the reduction of the head in dipteran larvae ] Zoologischer Anzeiger 27: 343-355 Microdon larvae The material available to me comes from a rich and well-preserved collection which my friend Erland Freiherr von Nor...


...Proceedings of the First International Conference (Egyptian British Biological Society, EBB Soc) Egyptian Journal of Biology, 2001, Vol. 3, pp 137-146  Printed in Egypt. Modern Press, Cairo. Habitat heterogeneity, altitudinal gradients in relation to beetle diversity in South Sinai, Egyp...
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