

08 Galeti (PRB).pdf

...Role of X valley on the dynamics of electron transport through a GaAs/AlAs double-barrier structure H. V. A. Galeti,1 H. B. de Carvalho,2,* M. J. S. P. Brasil,2 Y. Galvão Gobato,1 V. Lopez-Richard,1 G. E. Marques,1 M. Henini,3 and G. Hill4 1 Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal de Sã...

10 Ibanez.pdf

...Structural and optical properties of dilute InAsN grown by molecular beam epitaxy J. Ibáñez,1,a R. Oliva,1 M. De la Mare,2 M. Schmidbauer,3 S. Hernández,4 P. Pellegrino,4 D. J. Scurr,5 R. Cuscó,6 L. Artús,6 M. Shafi,6 R. H. Mari,6 M. Henini,6 Q. Zhuang,2 A. Godenir,2 and A. Krier2 1 Insti...

Hayden 3.pdf

...Physica B 246—247 (1998) 93—96 High field magnetoluminescence spectroscopy of self-assembled (InGa)As quantum dots on high index planes R.K. Hayden!,*, K. Uchida!, N. Miura!, A. Polimeni", S.T. Stoddart", M. Henini", L. Eaves", P.C. Main" !Institute for Solid State Physics, University of To...

Nogaret 2.pdf

...phys. stat. sol. (b) 204, 374 (1997) Subject classification: 73.20.Dx; 73.61.Ey; S7.12 Transitions between Wannier-Stark States of a Superlattice at High Magnetic Field A. Nogaret (a), L. Eaves (a), P. C. Main (a), M. Henini (a), D. K. Maude (b), and J.-C. Portal (b) (a) Department of Physics,...


...INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS PUBLISHING SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Semicond. Sci. Technol. 19 (2004) S282–S284 PII: S0268-1242(04)72131-8 Carrier kinetics in a high-optically efficient quantum dot structure F Pulizzi, A J Kent, A Patane, L Eaves and M Henini ` School of Physics and Astronom...

97 Oral Phys. Rev. B 56, R14295.pdf

...Disorder-driven intermediate state in the lattice melting transition of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O81d single crystals A. Oral, J. C. Barnard, and S. J. Bending Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY, United Kingdom S. Ooi, H. Taoka, and T. Tamegai Department of Applied Ph...

02 Fromhold PhysRevB_65_155312.pdf

...Tunneling spectroscopy of mixed stable-chaotic electron dynamics in a quantum well T. M. Fromhold,1 P. B. Wilkinson,1 R. K. Hayden,1,2 L. Eaves,1 F. W. Sheard,1 N. Miura,2 and M. Henini1 1 School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham NG7 2RD, United Kingdom 2 Institute for Solid Sta...

09 Hindmarch.pdf

...Structural and magnetic properties of magnetron sputtered Co70Fe30 films on GaAs„110… A. T. Hindmarch,1,a A. K. Suszka,1 M. MacKenzie,2 J. N. Chapman,2 M. Henini,3 D. Taylor,3 B. J. Hickey,1 and C. H. Marrows1 1 School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, United Ki...


... Atoms & Molecules at Surfaces (F33AS5) MODULE QUESTIONNAIRE AUTUMN SEMESTER ‘02/’03 Questionnaires were returned by 15 undergraduates and 6 postgraduates. Undergraduate and postgraduate responses are listed in black and red respectively below. Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly ...


... A L B O S Progress Meeting 2 University of Nottingham Lee Harper Tom Turner Peter Schubel Review of Nottingham Objectives Lee Harper - Benchmarking of carbon body panel systems Comparison of available systems Design of optimal body panels Tom Turner – Car...
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