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07 Henini GaBiAs.pdf

...Molecular beam epitaxy of GaBiAs on „311…B GaAs substrates M. Heninia School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, NG7 2RD Nottingham, United Kingdom J. Ibáñez Institut Jaume Almera, Consell Superior d’Investigacions Científiques (CSIC), 08028 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain...

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...VOLUME 77, NUMBER 22 P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W L E T T E R S 25 NOVEMBER 1996 Spin Excitations of a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in the Limit of Vanishing Landé g Factor D. K. Maude, M. Potemski, and J. C. Portal Grenoble High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Centre National de la Recherche Scientif...

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...Effects of acoustic anisotropy and screening on the energy relaxation of hot electrons in heterojunctions and quantum wells D. Lehmann,1 A. J. Kent,2 Cz. Jasiukiewicz,3 A. J. Cross,2 P. Hawker,2 and M. Henini2 1 Institute of Theoretical Physics, TU-Dresden, D-01062 Dresden, Germany 2 School of ...

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...Electronics 2015, 4, 1090-1100; doi:10.3390/electronics4041090 electronics ISSN 2079-9292 Article Analysis of Deep Level Defects in GaN p-i-n Diodes after Beta Particle Irradiation Sofiane Belahsene 1,*, Noor alhuda Al Saqri 2,3,†, Dler Jameel 2,†, ...

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...Resonant tunneling diode circuits using Pspice A. Sellaia,*, H. Al-Hadhramia , S. Al-Harthya , M. Heninib a Department of Physics, Sultan Qaboos University, P.O. Box 36, Al-Khod 123, Oman b School of Physics and Astronomy, Nottingham University, Nottinghom NG7 2RD, UK Abstract The measured ...

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...Journal ofCrystal Growth 111 (1991) 1089—1094 1089 North-Holland Investigation of a double barrier resonant tunnelling structure which incorporates an optical window layer in the top contact M. Hemni, C.R.H. White * Department of Physics, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG9 2RD, UK RE. ...
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