


...questionnaires were put on the intranet of a university in southern England, and...

2016-11.pdf management systems and intranet hardware. This provides important detail on...

Dr James Dawkins interviewed by the BBC on Britain's forgotten slave owners podcast

...Print Email this Page Student Intranet Dr James Dawkins interviewed by the BBC...

Rebecca Senior granted funding to expand her monuments and memorials research with UCL's Legacies of Slavery database

...Print Email this Page School Intranet Rebecca Senior granted funding to expand...

ISOS to host a panel discussion with black academics

...Print Email this Page School Intranet ISOS to host a panel discussion with black...


...electronic court bundles:

Associate professor features on front page news article of Tokyo Shinbun

...Print Email this Page Student Intranet Associate professor features on front page...


... Sharing Learning Objects in Health care Conference March 2009 Heather Wharrad University of Nottingham Housekeeping and notices All the project presentations in this room – coffee and lunch will be served in room next to the Thunder wall. At 2.20 we will move into the group sessio...


...Collisions of two communities: Developing higher education student teachers’ creativity in design through a social networking collaboration with professional designers A research paper by Zaleha Abdullah ISBN 978-1-906235-08-06 Zaleha Abdullah, 2011 First Edition published 2011 All rig...


...HR website and internal University intranet (workspace) underwent a complete redesign in...
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