

2013 Polidori_et_al.pdf

...recent study (Cueva del Castillo & Fairbairn, 2012) were larger than the ratio between...

2007 newbold_Sinai_weevil.pdf

...the genus Chitonopterus Fairmaire, 1882, a genus proposed in Fairmaire et al. (1882...Somalia, Chitonopterus cryptorrhynchinus Fairmaire, 1882. This genus...and C. floccosus Fairmaire, 1902 from Madagascar

2008 GardenBook_colour_original.pdf a ‘mulid’, a feast and fair, when people would collect together to...

2002 Shuker_et_al_beetle_mating.pdf

...P1: ZCK Journal of Insect Behavior [joib] pp633-joir-452720 August 30, 2002 14:38 Style file version Feb 08, 2000 Journal of Insect Behavior, Vol. 15, No. 5, September 2002 (C 2002) Mating Behavior, Sexual Selection, and Copulatory Courtship in a Promiscuous Beetle David Shuker,1,2 Nick Bateson...

2014 Thompson&Gilbert-synchrony.pdf

...This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or...

2017 Gecchele_et_al.pdf

...A pilot study to survey the carnivore community in the hyper-arid environment of South Sinai mountains Lisa V. Gecchele a, *, 1 , Samantha Bremner-Harrison b , Francis Gilbert a , Alaaeldin Soultan c, 2, 3 , Angus Davison a , Kate L. Durrant a a School of Life Sciences, University of Nottin...

2008 Behnke_et_al-regional_fauna.pdf Downloaded: 21 Jul 2008 Temporal and between-site variation in helminth communities of bank voles (Myodes glareolus) from N.E. Poland. 1. Regional fauna and component community levels J. M. BEHNKE1 *, A. BAJER2 , P. D. HARRIS1 , L. NEWINGTON1 , E. PIDGEON1 , G. ROWL...


...into norms of cooperation and fair sharing than participants who grew up...

1997 wolff et al_Alkanna.pdf

...Introduction The pollination biology and mating system of a plant species are expected to have significant effects on its population genetic structure (Schaal & Levin 1976; Levin 1979; Turner et al. 1982; Handel 1985; Hamrick & Godt 1989). From a review of the literature, Govindaraju (1988) sho...


...H Schmutterer (1972b) Zur Beutespecifität polyphager, räuberischer Syrphiden Ostafrikas. [ On the prey specificity of polyphagous predatory syrphids in East Africa ] (in German, with english summary) Zeitschrift für angewandte Entomologie 71: 278-286 A. Introduction Several yea...
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