


...Biologie und Morphologie einiger Syrphidenlarven [The biology and morphology of some syrphid larvae] F. Krüger (1926) Z Morph Okol Tiere 6: 83-149 Introduction The Syrphidae or hoverflies form one of the most diverse families of cyclorrhaphan Diptera (ca 700 spp known from Europe a...


...Egyptian Journal of Biology, 2007, Vol. 9, pp 53-59  Printed in Egypt. Egyptian British Biological Society (EBB Soc) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ecotypic variation in the biology of Acanthaspis quinquespinosa...

2018 Gilbert-H-TimeToShiftThePower.pdf

...avoid asking donors to challenge the fairness of the socioeconomic system to which they...


...F. Schneider (1948) [ Contribution to knowledge of the number of generations and the diapause of predatory hoverflies (Syrphidae, Dipt.) ] Mitteilungen der schweizerischen entomologischen Gesellschaft 21: 249-285 Introduction The family of hoverflies or syrphids shows no single appr...


...only about two days in summer, and a fair degree of precision is required in the...

2013 Gilbert-H_Sinaiticus.pdf

...systematically allocated to ensure fairness. Traditional Bedouin livelihoods This...

2012 Gilbert-H&Khedr.pdf a given outcome. However, it is fair in this case to assume a high degree of...

2009 Gilbert-H_giving.pdf western terms and also fair in Bedouin terms. Nevertheless, in year...


...Egyptian Journal of Natural History, 2007, Vol. 4, pp 12 - 149 © Printed in Egypt. Egyptian British Biological Society (EBB Soc) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Giles Roche was unable to complete the keys and des...


...Egyptian Journal of Natural History, 2008, Vol. 5, pp 6-15  Printed in Egypt. Egyptian British Biological Society (EBB Soc) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Author for correspondence. email: Biologi...
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