

Key Matches


...Passenger Charter Purpose of service The University of Nottingham provides a hopper bus service for the primary purpose of enabling safe, low-carbon and affordable travel between the University’s UK campuses: for students in support of their study commitments and for staff business travel, w...


...Molecular Biophysics F33ONB Walter Köckenberger ( Key point 1 • The pH of the medium (water) determines the charge of groups (acid and amino groups: pH = pK + log -------- pH = pK + log -------- [R-O ] [R-NH3 ] _ [R-OH ]+ [R-NH2] hydrophobic hydrop...




...Molecular Biophysics F33ONB Molecular structure by diffraction experiments 1 Today: Protein crystals Unit Cell Basic setup of diffraction experiment Neutron beams - X rays Bragg’s law Scattering vector Lysozyme •© 2006 •Academic •© 2006 •Academic •© 2006 •Academic •...


...Optical Tweezers Fscatt Fgrad 1 Manipulating single molecules • Attach molecule to magnetic particle and use magnetic field Magnetic tweezers • Attach molecule to dielectric particle and use laser ligh t Optical tweezers 1 mirror AFM tip photodiode position detector laser imaging s...


...Structure by Diffraction Experiments Key Points • Scattering in a crystal • Laue conditions • Miller indices • Reflections 1 1.1 Scattering by Crystal We are now analysing the outcome of the scattering events taking place in a crystal. Recall that the unit cell is defined by the thr...

nsb0499_351.pdf There are many levels at which a scientific question can be answered. An answer that is quite satisfying to a scientist from one discipline may be totally unsatisfactory to a scientist from another. This has become an increasingly important issue in research on biological problems as sci...


...Molecular Structure by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Key Points • The NMR signal • Chemical shift • The spectrum • Fine structure in the spectrum 1 Basics 2 The NMR signal The weak sample magnetisation forms the basis of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy exp...


...Binding 1 Today: Myoglobin Haem group Dissociation curves Haemoglobin Allostery Monod-Wyman-Changeux model Myoglobin (Mb) - oxygen storer Tissues which require a readily accessible store of oxygen (e.g. muscles) contain an oxygen-storage molecule, myoglobin. . 3 Properties of Mb: • s...


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