


...ARTICLE Genetic linkage map construction and identification...weight (SDW) were mapped on LG10 accounting...the same trait mapped on LG10 with...plant (PW) were mapped on LG4 (nearest


...Received: 31 May 2021 | Accepted: 9 December 2021 DOI: 10.1111/pce.14256 INVITED REVIEW Root traits for low input agroecosystems in Africa: Lessons from three case studies Mame S. Ndoye1,2,3 | James Burridge3 | Rahul Bhosale4 | Alexandre Grondin1,2,3 | Laurent Laplaze2,3 1 CERAAS, Thies Esca...


...starting point. It can be hard to map out the full local picture; to decide which...


...criteria and descriptors. Curriculum mapping will be enabled by new software included in...


...  Citation: Singh, A.; Gill, A.; Lim, D.L.K.; Kasmaruddin, A.; Miri, T.; Chakrabarty, A.; Chai, H.H.; Selvarajoo, A.; Massawe, F.; Abakr, Y.A.; et al. Feasibility of Bio-Coal Production from Hydrothermal Carbonization (HTC) Technology Using Food Waste in Malaysia. Sustainabil...


...boundary density and map texture. We examined...those traced some map-sheets were not...scanned copies. The map scale and texture...general expectations, with map texture consistent with...scale in assessed map-sheets. Stakeholders regarded...provided for soil map units may be...than single-property maps. Accessibility and understanding...survey reports and maps that are still


...ORIGINAL ARTICLE Root angle in maize influences nitrogen capture and is regulated by calcineurin B-like protein (CBL)-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 15 (ZmCIPK15) Hannah M. Schneider1 | Vai Sa Nee Lor2 | Meredith T. Hanlon1 | Alden Perkins1 | Shawn M. Kaeppler2 | Aditi N. Borkar3 |...


...FV intake model gives us a road map for high value targets for biomarker discovery...


...density within a UK city, we show a map of London in figure 1. This is an old...

kumar-et-al-2022-multi-model-evaluation-of-catchment....pdf global 30-min drainage direction map. J. Hydrol. 258 (1–4)
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