

Industrial Economics BSc Hons

...fees and living expenses. You should be able to...fees and living expenses. You should be able to

Veterinary Medicine and Surgery BVMBVS with BVMedSci

...fees and living expenses. The additional terms of travel and accommodation. Students...will be extra travel costs. The school...currently provides a travel allowance to help

Food Science and Nutrition BSc Hons

...with partner universities, travel restrictions or other...fees and living expenses. You should be able to

Sport Rehabilitation BSc Hons

...time accommodation or travel daily. However, we...fair share of travelling or living away...fees and living expenses. This includes around...your own copies. Travel to your placements...some of your travel and accommodation costs...fees and living expenses. This includes the...your own copies. Travel to your placements

Product Design and Manufacture including an Integrated Study Abroad Year BEng Hons

...placement/industry hosts, travel restrictions or other...fees and living expenses. The following are based

Agricultural Business Management BSc Hons

...with partner universities, travel restrictions or other...fees and living expenses. You should consider the travel and living costs

Ancient History and Archaeology BA Jt Hons

...excavations incur some expenses, including flights to...back £30 of expenses per day of fieldwork...arrange your own travel, refreshments and entry

Agriculture BSc Hons

...fees and living expenses. You should be able consider the travel and living costs associated

Chemistry BSc Hons

...fees and living expenses. Books You consider the travel and living costs...fees and living expenses. Books You should

Natural Sciences MSci Hons

...your tuition fees and living expenses. Printing Due to our commitment to sustainability...
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