


...2014: 171-184 Self-Control, Financial Literacy & the...

Do people really want to be nudged towards healthy lifestyles? - Network for Integrated Behavioural Science

...acknowledged problem of self-control.  But behavioural science...that lack of self-control would not be...that self-acknowledged self-control problems

Discussion Paper Series

...CeDEx 2012-02: Self-Control, Financial Literacy and...

Featured Publications

...models of misperceptions, self-control and temptation, and...

Angry Spartans - Fictions of Antiquity

...he had enough self-control not to execute him under...


...Design Interventions for self-Control on Facebook In: Proceedings...

Helena Webb

...Design Interventions for self-Control on Facebook In: Proceedings...

Engaging with Anxiety - by Anonymous. - Equality and Diversity in Biosciences

...with the world. Self-control just to keep it all...

PhD supervisors

...Relating mindfulness and self-control to harm to the self and...

Our People

...LIAM T., 2014. Self-control tames the coupling of...
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