


...CeDEx Discussion Paper No. 2006–04 Design a contract! A simple principal-agent problem as a classroom experiment Simon Gächter and Manfred Königstein April 2006 Centre for Decision Research and Experimental Economics Discussion Paper Series ISSN 1749-3293 The Centre for Decision Rese...


...                                       Discussion Paper No. 2009‐11 Johannes Abeler, Steffen Altmann, Sebastian Kube and   Matthias Wibral June 2009 Gift Exchange and Workers' Fairness Concerns –   When Equality Is Unfair   CeDEx Discussion P...


...and P. A. David. 1994. Toward a...23 487- 521. de Vries, R.E., van...den Hooff B., de Ridder J.A. 2006


...Unraveling Firms: Demand, Productivity and Markups Heterogeneity Emanuele Forlani (University of Bologna and LdA) Ralf Martin (Imperial College London, CEP and Grantham) Giordano Mion (ESSEC and University of Nottingham, CEP, CEPR and CESifo) Mirabelle Muˆuls (Imperial College London, CEP and...


...J Physiol 590.2 (2012) pp 377–393 377 The Journal of Physiology Protein-energy malnutrition during early gestation in sheep blunts fetal renal vascular and nephron development and compromises adult renal function Louise J. Lloyd1, Thomas Foster1, Phillip Rhodes1, Stewart M. Rhind2 and David S...


...BASAS Annual Conference, 19-21 April 2017 University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University Schedule at a glance Wednesday 19 April 12.00-14.00: Check in, registration and coffee 14.00-15.30: First Session 15.30-16.00: Coffee Break 16.00-17.30: Second Session 17.45-18.45: BASAS Annual...


...July 19th – 24th Modelling perspectives: looking in and across boundaries Conference Contributions 2 Conference Contributions 1 Introduction 3 2 Plenary Activities 4 3 Research presentations 10 4 Posters 111 5 Modelling and applications in Nottingham & the U...


...· 8 Church, David · 4 Clarke...· 9 Cutts, David · 4, 7...· 10 D de Geus, Roosmarijn · 11 de Moragas, Antoni-Italo...· 7 Deacon, David · 5 Dennison


...Openness, Government Size and the Terms of Trade Paolo Epifaniy Universit‡ Bocconi Gino Ganciaz CREI, UPF and CEPR December 2007 Abstract This paper investigates the relationship between trade openness and the size of governments, both theoretically and empirically. We argue that openness...


...Egyptian Journal of Natural History, 2007, Vol. 4, pp 12 - 149 © Printed in Egypt. Egyptian British Biological Society (EBB Soc) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Giles Roche was unable to complete the keys and des...
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