


...∗Laboratoire d’Economie de Nantes (LEN) - Faculté des...Sciences Economiques et de Gestion - B.P.52231 - 44322


...The Nottingham Institute for Research in Visual Culture presents: 21st Century Anxiety with Prof. WJT Mitchell (University of Chicago) Thursday 3rd July Department of Art History, University of Nottingham This interdisciplinary conference explores the issue of cultural anxiety in the 21s...


...,. l : i;1;'-' ' ?' ,.'. 1 ., \r ,r-'i, ir . &t.' =} A new genetic study has added fresh insights to an area of England rich in Scandinavian finds and placenames. Steve Harding and MarkJobling describe their dramatic results below. First, David Griffiths sets the scene LOOKING FORVIKI...


...Testing for Unit Roots in the Presence of a Possible Break in Trend and Non-Stationary Volatility∗ Giuseppe Cavalierea , David I. Harveyb , Stephen J. Leybourneb and A.M. Robert Taylorb aDepartment of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna bSchool of Economics and Granger Centre for Ti...


...research paper series Globalisation, Productivity and Technology Research Paper 2013/03 From mine to coast: transport infrastructure and the direction of trade in developing countries By Roberto Bonfatti and Steven Poelhekke The Authors Roberto Bonfatti is a Lecturer in the School of Economic...


...CEB 08-009.RS, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Solvay Business School, Centre...


... research paper series Globalisation and Labour Markets Programme Research Paper 2002/12 International Trade and Rent Sharing in Developed and Developing Countries By L. Fontagné and D. Mirza The Centre acknowledges financial support from The Leverhulme Trust under Programme Grant ...


...,. l : i;1;'-' ' ?' ,.'. 1 ., \r ,r-'i, ir . &t.' =} A new genetic study has added fresh insights to an area of England rich in Scandinavian finds and placenames. Steve Harding and MarkJobling describe their dramatic results below. First, David Griffiths sets the scene LOOKING FORVIKI...


...Tests by Russell Davidson Department of Economics...T7 GREQAM Centre de la Vieille Charit´e 2 Rue de la Charit´e 13236...02, France Abstract...the Fonds Qu´eb´ecois de Recherche sur la


... WEDNESDAY 10 SEPTEMBER 9:00 − 9:25 Registration and Coffee 9:25 − 9:30 Opening Address 9:30 − 10:10 Keynote Session 1 (Chair: Robert Taylor) Tim Vogelsang, Michigan State University Testing for a shift in trend at an unknown date: a fixed-b analysis of heteroskedasticity autocorrelati...
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