

Barrie Hayes-Gill

...2007. Ultra-wideband breast cancer detection radar In...


...vascular invasion in cancers, low grade breast cancer biology and biomarkers...

Jennifer Ashworth

...3D Heterotypic Breast Cancer Model Demonstrates a...and Invasive Phenotype. Cancers. 12(8), ASHWORTH...Culture Models of Cancer and Disease JOVE...For example, as breast cancer progresses, cells make...that leads to cancer spread. Using biomaterials...treat diseases like cancer. My group uses...3D Heterotypic Breast Cancer Model Demonstrates a...and Invasive Phenotype. Cancers. 12(8), ASHWORTH

Judith Ramage

...of NottinghamCentre for Cancer SciencesPeople Centre for Cancer Sciences Print Home About us Cancer research Study with...Ramage Associate Professor Cancer Immunology, Course Director...for MSc in Cancer Immunology and Biotechnology...for Division of Cancer and Stem Cells...patient outcome in breast cancer patients Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

Sarah Storr

...DARPP-32 in breast cancer. She previously worked...and calpastatin in breast cancer in the group...Year 2012 by Breast Cancer Now. Dr Storr...pilot grant, Nottingham Breast Cancer Research Centre funding...grants from Pancreatic Cancer UK Research Innovation Fund, Breast Cancer Now, Breast Cancer Research Trust and...translational and imaging breast cancer sub group member

Welcome to my first research update - Research Exchange  Recognition for breast cancer pathology pioneer  Professor of Breast Cancer Pathology Emad Rakha...the diagnosis of breast cancer.  Farewell and thanks

New prognostic test for breast cancer could improve patient treatment

...prognostic test for breast cancer could improve patient...prognostic test for breast cancer could improve patient...prognostic test for breast cancer could improve patient...clinical test for breast cancer which aims to...way in which breast cancer patients are treated...a patient’s breast cancer type and its...treating patients with breast cancer to decide on...disease returning. However, breast cancer is now known

Researchers to develop more realistic models of drug and nanoparticle uptake

...the outcome of breast cancer surgery Published DateTuesday...

Yan Chen

...the areas of breast cancer screening, prostate and lung cancer imaging, as well...

Kevin Gaston

...mechanisms in cervical cancer and HPV biology, prostate cancer, breast cancer, bile duct cancer and other disease...diseases including prostate cancer, breast cancer, thyroid cancer, liver cancer and some types
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