


...most sectors. The only exceptions come from three sectors: 4 Metal mining, 25...


...Intransparent Prices: A Model of Intra-Industry Trade due to Incomplete Information* Christian Gormsen† February 2009 Preliminary version. Abstract: Buyers are typically unaware of the full set of offers when making a purchase. This paper examines how international trade interacts with...


...her the highest possible level of happiness and satisfaction. In the following section...


...Offshoring and Firm Overlap∗ Stella Capuano Hartmut Egger† IAB Nuremberg University of Bayreuth University of Hagen CESifo, GEP, and IfW Michael Koch Hans-J¨org Schmerer University of Bayreuth University of Hagen CESifo and IAB June 17, 2016 Abstract We set up a model of offshoring wit...


...manufacturing and mining sectors and come from 31 provinces or province-equivalent municipal...


...Based on this outcome of the model, recent improvements...on labor market outcomes is numerous. Starting with

schmidt-2003.pdf allocated. This allocation comes from a standard representative consumer’s...


...Trade Balance and Government Policy in China Tong Jiadong, Nankai University Abstract Chinese central government has adopted a series of policies since last year to reduce the surging foreign trade surplus and as well as to adjust domestic industrial structure. All of these policies have at...


...Impact of the US Credit Crunch and Housing Market Crisis on China by Shujie Yao, Dan Luo and Stephen Morgan Abstract: There are many similarities between the US, the UK and the Chinese housing markets, including the movements of interest rates and house prices. Some Chinese banks, especi...

corcos-postgradconf2006.pdf the model. Outcomes are observable but...available, with an outcome modelled as the Nash
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