


... research paper series Theory and Methods Research Paper 2009/22 Key elements of global inflation By Robert Anderton, Alessandro Galesi, Marco Lombardi and Filippo di Mauro The Centre acknowledges financial support from The Leverhulme Trust under Programme Grant F/00 114/AM Th...


...The impact of the initial condition on covariate augmented unit root tests by Chrystalleni Aristidou, David Harvey and Stephen Leybourne Granger Centre Discussion Paper No. 16/01 The Impact of the Initial Condition on Covariate Augmented Unit Root Tests Chrystalleni Aristidou, David I. Harvey...


...Unit root testing under a local break in trend by David I. Harvey, Stephen J. Leybourne and A. M. Robert Taylor Granger Centre Discussion Paper No. 11/02 Unit Root Testing under a Local Break in Trend David I. Harvey, Stephen J. Leybourne and A.M. Robert Taylor Granger Centre for Time Series E...


...research paper series Globalisation, Productivity and Technology Research Paper 2019/14 Innovation union: Costs and benefits of innovation policy coordination Teodora Borota, Fabrice Defever and Giammario Impullitti Innovation Union: Costs and Benefits of Innovation Policy Coordination∗ Teo...


...The bank is also required to hold a fair amount of reserves with the central bank...


...On augmented HEGY tests for seasonal unit roots by Tomás del Barrio Castro, Denise R. Osborn and A. M. Robert Taylor Granger Centre Discussion Paper No. 11/01 On Augmented HEGY Tests for Seasonal Unit Roots Tomas del Barrio Castro Department of Applied Economics University of the Balearic I...


...resource allocation. It would be fair to say that, to date, the theoretical literature...


...research paper series Globalisation, Productivity and Technology Programme Research Paper 2022/08 Employment to output elasticities and reforms towards flexicurity: Evidence from OECD countries Holger Görg, Cecília Hornok, Catia Montagna and George E Onwordi Employment to Output Elasticities...


... research paper series Internationalisation of Economic Policy Research Paper 2002/27 Location Choice by Households and Polluting Firms: An Evolutionary Approach By B.R. Dijkstra and F.P. De Vries The Centre acknowledges financial support from The Leverhulme Trust under Programme G...


...12 monthly wages in case of fair dismissal).7 This compares with 13.7...
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